Yes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production
No, provide more incentives for alternative energy production instead
No, just enforce existing regulations
No, and I believe global warming is a natural occurrence
No, and the current government is over-regulating businesses

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9LPHX5Qanswered…2 days2D

That and also offer incentives for high-footprint businesses ( eg oil companies ) to transition to become green.

 @9LP4YWZanswered…3 days3D

I dont see why uk shoukd be so strict when round the world Germany China etc and polluting like mad, we are so small in comparison

 @9JX79N7from Virginia answered…2mos2MO

I believe that both more policy enforcement and incentives are due, however, I am unsure of the current extent/effectiveness of current U.K. policies, and this factor's proportion in relation to emissions/dangers to the environment. What I can say is this: I believe incentive is key for getting genuine circumstance correction on the end of large institutions, and reward is necessary.


Dependent on the economy and its viability. It’s not a black and white answer HOWEVER ideally the best way to reduce carbon emissions is to incentivise not force


Concentrate on poverty and financial division in uk and start listening to women. Then stop the wars.


Yes, but businesses also need to create their own regulations and commitments to reduce carbon emissions