No, vocational or skill based qualifications should also be available

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No GCSE exams are not a good source of measuring education and qualifications.

 @9LKHN4Manswered…3 days3D

Not if they're in a special school, I think special school students are better off doing their own exams which are not GCSE's.

 @9LJ9D27answered…5 days5D

I think GCSEs in English and Maths are the only two subjects that are acceptable for GCSE terms. However, I think most subjects that all the rest of the subjects should be NVQs and BTECs.


We should improve the quality of education so that children choose to stay in school rather than having them required to be there.


Yes and no. Some vocational and skill based qualifications should be available but such things as English and Maths need their standards improving drastically. There is a severe decline in literacy among young people, including media literacy in all its forms, and this is an issue that does not fall on one or the other side of political squabbles but is a bipartisan issue.


No. This is very vague and does not account for students who have different learning needs, neurodivergence, and disability.

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