Answer Overview

Response rates from 274k UK voters.

Yes, but limit the amount they can donate
No, these types of donations just turn into bribes
No, but allow donations from unions and non-profits
No, and political campaigns should be publicly funded

Historical Support

Trend of support over time for each answer from 274k UK voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK voters whose views went beyond the provided options.


Yes with reason and set limits for each reason and someone reviewing it before it goes to the party so it cannot be used for bribery


Political parties are an unfortunate consequence of democracy. The FPTP system reinforces the two-party hegemony, which is essentially a choice between the corporation-funded party and the union-funded party. Now the important issue is that donations and funding are secondary to popular opinion, and popular opinion is overwhelmingly determined by the media, which is owned by the corporation-funders. Without a convincing radical alternative, accept the null hypothesis/status quo.


Yes, if all donations are made public and would not allow other donations if it is a conflict of interest


No because then the rich fund the Conservative Party and the Conservative Party only care about helping the rich


Yes, but it should be a matter of public record and fully transparent to allow voters to decide whether they think it influences policy.


Yes but publishing a false manifesto or not adhering to should be punishable as an act of misleading the public and considered fraudulent


Depends what cause it’s going to like of course if it’s for hospitals and nhs but maybe not like things that aren’t worth it.


The should be limit to what is donated sand procedures to document these donations to avoid bribery in the future

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