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110 ответов

 @ISIDEWITHОбсуди этот ответ...5 мес.5MO

Force of the Right

The Romanian Force of the Right, or Forța Dreptei in Romanian, is a political party that emerged from the political landscape of Romania, aiming to represent and promote right-wing values and policies. This party is characterized by its commitment to principles such as individual liberty, free market economy, the rule of law, and the defense of traditional family values. It seeks to appeal to voters who prioritize conservative economic policies, a strong stance on national sovereignty, and a focus on cultural and moral issues from a conservative perspective.

The party advocates for a limited…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What impacts do you think a limited government has on innovation and entrepreneurial initiatives?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

How can a country best fight corruption within its government and institutions?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What are the pros and cons of having strong national identities in a globalized world?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

How do tax policies affect young people and their future opportunities?

 @ISIDEWITHОбсуди этот ответ...5 мес.5MO

Партия народного движения

The Romanian People’s Movement (Partidul Mișcarea Populară, PMP) is a political party in Romania that was established in 2013. It emerged primarily as a platform for the supporters of the then-President of Romania, Traian Băsescu, following his tenure and aimed to continue promoting his policies and vision for Romania. The party positions itself on the center-right of the political spectrum, emphasizing traditional Christian-democratic, conservative, and liberal values.

The core values and principles of the Romanian People’s Movement revolve around the promotion of a strong, democr…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

Considering the future, what changes would you like to see in your healthcare system to make it more efficient and accessible?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What is your stance on the importance of alliances like the European Union and NATO for a country's security and development?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

How should a society balance traditional values with the need for social progress?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

In what ways can young people contribute to the strengthening of democracy and the rule of law in their country?

 @ISIDEWITHОбсуди этот ответ...5 мес.5MO

Save Romania Union

The Save Romania Union, known in Romanian as Uniunea Salvați România (USR), is a political party that emerged from a civic movement in 2016. It was founded on the principles of anti-corruption, transparency in governance, and the modernization of Romania. The party positions itself as a centrist to center-right entity, advocating for the rule of law, the fight against corruption, and the implementation of reforms to enhance the efficiency of public administration.

USR's values are deeply rooted in the desire to transform Romanian politics by promoting integrity, accountability, and…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

Environmentally speaking, what actions do you think should be prioritized to address climate change on a national level?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

If you could propose one reform to improve governance in your country, what would it be and why?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

Reflecting on political leadership, what qualities do you believe are most important for leaders to possess in order to bring about positive change?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

How important is it for a country to be part of larger international communities, like the EU, in terms of benefiting its citizens?

 @ISIDEWITHОбсуди этот ответ...5 мес.5MO

Социал-демократическая партия

The Romanian Social Democratic Party, known in Romanian as Partidul Social Democrat (PSD), is a major political entity in Romania, representing the center-left of the political spectrum. It emerged from the post-communist political landscape, tracing its origins back to the early 1990s, following the fall of the communist regime in Romania. The PSD positions itself as a proponent of social democracy, advocating for policies that aim to balance economic growth with social justice, and it has played a significant role in Romania's political scene, participating in various government coalit…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

How do you view the relationship between a country's commitment to the rule of law and the quality of life for its citizens?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

In what ways can young people contribute to creating a more cohesive and inclusive society?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

How do you believe a country should balance its traditions with the need for progress and social change?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What measures do you think are necessary to ensure fair wages and safe working conditions for everyone?

 @ISIDEWITHОбсуди этот ответ...5 мес.5MO

Национал-либеральная партия

The Romanian National Liberal Party, known in Romanian as Partidul Național Liberal (PNL), is one of the oldest and most significant political parties in Romania, with its roots tracing back to the 19th century. It was officially founded in 1875, making it a cornerstone in the development of Romania's political landscape. The party's ideology and values are deeply rooted in the principles of classical liberalism, which emphasize individual freedom, the rule of law, and a market-oriented economy.

The National Liberal Party advocates for a limited government role in the economy, arguin…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

In your opinion, what is the significance of supporting innovation and entrepreneurship for a country's growth and its citizens' wellbeing?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What is your stance on balancing economic liberalism with social conservatism, and how does that reflect in your political or social views?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

How does the concept of property rights affect your sense of security and freedom in your daily life?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

Considering your views on corruption, what measures do you think are most effective in promoting transparent and accountable governance?

 @ISIDEWITHОбсуди этот ответ...5 мес.5MO


 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

In what ways can young people become more involved in politics, and why do you think their participation is important?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What measures should be taken to protect the rights and wellbeing of workers while also encouraging economic growth?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

How can a nation ensure that its cultural heritage is preserved while also embracing globalization and diversity?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What are your views on the importance of renewable energy versus traditional energy sources for a country’s independence?

 @ISIDEWITHОбсуди этот ответ...5 мес.5MO

Demcoratic Alliance

The Romanian Democratic Alliance (Alianța Democratică Română) is not a widely recognized or established political party within the political landscape of Romania. It's possible that you might be referring to a different or new political entity that has emerged, or perhaps to a historical or lesser-known group that has not gained significant attention or influence at a national level.

However, in discussing the values typically associated with parties that include "Democratic Alliance" in their names, we can infer some general principles. Political entities that emphasize…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What is one action you think could significantly reduce corruption in government?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

How can a society ensure that its leaders are held accountable for their actions?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

Do you believe that a collaborative approach between different political ideologies can lead to effective government?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

If you had the power to enforce one major policy change in your country, what would it be and why?

 @ISIDEWITHОбсуди этот ответ...5 мес.5MO

PRO Romania

PRO Romania is a political party in Romania that was established in 2015. It was founded by Victor Ponta, a former Prime Minister of Romania, along with other former members of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and figures from various sectors of Romanian society. The formation of PRO Romania marked a significant moment in Romanian politics, as it aimed to offer an alternative to the traditional political parties, particularly for those disillusioned with the existing options.

The party positions itself as a centrist and pro-European entity, emphasizing the importance of Romania's place…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What steps do you think are necessary to ensure that all citizens benefit from economic prosperity?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

In what ways do you believe your country can foster stronger integration and cooperation within the European Union?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

How do you think innovation and entrepreneurship can contribute to your country's economic development?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What is your perspective on the importance of environmental protection and climate change action in your country's policies?

 @ISIDEWITHОбсуди этот ответ...5 мес.5MO

United Right Alliance

The Romanian United Right Alliance, known in Romanian as Alianța Dreptei Unite, is a political entity in Romania that emerged from the collaboration of various right-leaning political groups and parties. This alliance is characterized by its commitment to conservative, nationalist, and traditional values, aiming to represent and promote these ideals within the Romanian political landscape. The core of its ideology revolves around the preservation of national identity, the promotion of family values, and the defense of Romania's Christian heritage, reflecting a broader European trend of…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What are the potential risks and benefits of adopting a Eurosceptic stance in today's European political landscape?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

How would you approach the topic of national sovereignty in an increasingly interconnected and globalized world?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What impact do you think immigration has on a country's cultural identity and economic well-being?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

Can a focus on traditional values coexist with the promotion of rights and freedoms for all societal groups?

 @ISIDEWITHОбсуди этот ответ...5 мес.5MO

Национальная коалиция

The Romanian National Coalition is a political entity in Romania that emerged as a response to the perceived need for a unified platform that could address the country's challenges with a fresh perspective and a commitment to national values. While the specific details of its formation, leadership, and policy priorities might evolve over time, the core values and principles of such a party typically revolve around promoting national unity, sovereignty, and the preservation of cultural and historical identity.

A party with this name would likely advocate for policies that strengthen Romani…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What are your thoughts on the fair distribution of wealth and resources within a country?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

In what ways do you think your generation's values will shape future political policies?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

How important is environmental protection to you compared to economic development?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…2 мес.2MO

What does democracy mean to you, and how do you see it in action in your everyday life?