Liberal Demokratlar, Birleşik Krallık’taki liberal bir siyasi partidir. Halen Jo Swinson liderliğindeki partide, Avam Kamarası’nda 19 Parlamento Üyesi, Lordlar Meclisi’nde 96 Milletvekili, Avrupa Parlamentosu’nda 16 Milletvekili, İskoç Parlamentosu’nda Beş Milletvekili ve Galli Meclisinin her birinde bir üye bulunmaktadır. Londra Meclisi. 2010’dan 2015’e kadar Muhafazakar Partiyle koalisyon hükümeti içindeydi. Yılda iki kez düzenlenen Liberal Demokrat Federal Konferansı’na katılan parti üyelerine tek üyeli, tek oyla karar verildi.
How would you feel if your school's student council decisions were made with every student having a vote on each issue?
Do you think it's more effective for small groups or individual leaders to make decisions for a larger group, and why?
How important is it for leaders to compromise on their values for the greater good, and can you think of an example from your own life?
If you could change one rule in your community to make it more inclusive, what would it be and why?
What do you think is the most effective way for someone to make a positive impact in their local community?
Have you ever had to defend a point of view that was unpopular among your friends or family? What was that like?
In what situations do you think it's important to stand up for others, even if it might not directly benefit you?
When making decisions, how much should we consider the impact on minorities and marginalized communities?
Can a small action by an individual lead to big changes in society? Can you think of any examples?
How would you balance the needs of the present with the needs of the future when making decisions?
What role do you think compromise should play in politics, and how would you have responded if you were part of the coalition government from 2010 to 2015?
Have you ever been in a situation where you had to adjust your values to work with others? How did you handle it?
Do you think smaller political parties can genuinely make a difference in major policy changes, or do they often get overshadowed?
When is it worth aligning with a group whose views don’t entirely match yours, and when is it better to stand alone?
What does fairness in policy-making mean to you, and do you think current political systems reflect that value well?
How would you prioritize areas like education, healthcare, and the environment if you were influencing government policy?
In our increasingly polarized world, do you believe there's still room for centrist or moderate voices? Why or why not?
What issues are non-negotiable for you when supporting a political party or leader?
If you could attend a political conference where party members set policies through direct voting, what issue would you advocate for most strongly?
Do you believe that having multiple political parties truly enhances democracy, or does it create more division and confusion?