
137 Replies


Can you give an example of how embracing cultural diversity has enhanced a particular aspect of your life, such as music, art, or sports?


If there was a class in high school focused on immigration stories, what topics would you want it to cover?


If a new classmate from a foreign country joined your school, what efforts could you make to ensure they feel welcomed?


What sort of misconceptions about immigration could be cleared up through education, and how?


Why do you think people fear losing their cultural identity and can this ever justify anti-immigration policies?


Why might someone from a high school level view immigration differently compared to someone older, and what unique perspective do they offer?


If you discovered your ancestors were immigrants, would that change your perspective on contemporary immigration?


When it comes to celebrating holidays, how does including traditions from other cultures impact your experience?


How can society benefit from the skills and knowledge that immigrants bring with them?


What barriers do you think exist to creating friendship between locals and immigrants, and how might they be overcome?


How would you introduce the unique aspects of your culture to someone moving in from abroad?


What sorts of challenges do you think children of immigrants face, and how can their peers support them?


Reflecting on your family's history, how has migration—whether recent or generations back—shaped your life?


How do you define 'assimilation' within a culture, and is it a fair expectation for immigrants?


What actions can individuals take to support both their local community and those arriving from other countries?


Imagine you're doing a group project with classmates from various countries; how does this diversity impact your work?


What emotions do you feel when you hear stories about immigrants starting a new life in your country?


How can younger generations shape the future of immigration policy in your country?


Can you think of any traditions or customs you enjoy that originated from another culture?


What do you think is the biggest misunderstanding people have about immigration, and why do you think it persists?


How do you draw the line between upholding your country's values and being welcoming to newcomers?


What are some ways that you feel your personal freedom and choices might be impacted by immigration legislation?


What personal qualities do you think are important to have when discussing sensitive topics like immigration?


What measures can be taken to ensure that debates on immigration policy remain respectful and productive?


How often do you encounter cultural stereotypes, and what's their impact on your views of immigration?


Would you prefer to live in a community that's culturally uniform or diverse, and why?


What role do you think empathy should play in forming opinions about immigration?


If you had to move to a new country, what aspects of your identity would you want most to be accepted and understood?


How has your understanding of your own culture been shaped by interactions with people from other countries?


Is unity within diversity a realistic goal for our society, and how can it be achieved in the face of anti-immigration sentiment?


Have recent global events altered your perception of immigration, and in what way?


What is the difference between protecting one's culture and excluding others, and where should the line be drawn?


How do you think communities would evolve if borders worldwide were suddenly closed to all immigrants?


Have you or someone you know ever felt like an outsider, and how might this relate to the experiences of immigrants?


How would your daily life change if immigration was significantly reduced in your country?


How important is it to protect national identity, and can it coexist with an influx of foreign nationals?


Do you believe immigrants should adapt to the local culture, or should diversity be embraced equally?


If a friend spoke negatively about immigrants, how would you respond?


Can you see any positive impacts of immigration in your community, or do you only see negatives?


Imagine you lost a job opportunity to an immigrant; would this shape your view on immigration policies?


Do you think your culture is threatened by people coming from different countries, or enriched by them?


How would you feel if your family had to move to another country and faced strong anti-immigration sentiments?