
Order Summary

Total Cost: $175USD

Avg response per state: 5

Avg response per zipcode: 5

Estimated completion date: 4/12/2017

  • Anonymized response information (city, state, zipcode)
  • Geographical heat map of responses
  • Downloadable csv result data (download a sample)

Please note - We do not release or sell personally indentifying information about voters or our users. If you would like to communicate directly with an individual voter, you can try our email subscription placements which allow users to explicitly opt-in to communication with you.

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The data will contain responses from voters in all countries. Click the button below to select a filter.

The data will contain responses from voters matching the following audiences:

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Example: Location

Index Comparison

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Example: Political party

Group Responses

The data will contain (anonymized) information about each voter submission. If you prefer only a summary of results, for example by state or party affiliation, click the button below to group the data by broader parameters. See the results below for a sample of what the data will look like.

The data will be grouped by the following parameters. See the results below for a sample of what the data will look like.

Year Month Day 思想 Party Affiliation 语言 国家 地区 邮区 选民 邮区 教区

Granularity of answers:

Choose if you would like to see data for each answer option, or just a basic yes/no percentage.

Sample of Data:

Pricing is based on the amount of data you request, at a cost of $.05 per row of data. If you only need a broader summary of results (for example, only totals per state, zipcode, or party affiliation) you can reduce the price and amount of rows in your order by grouping the data.

question 回答 submissions 重要性 日期 派对 意识形态 地区 邮区 选民 邮区 教区
If the 2024 Brent West Parliamentary… Nadia Klock 8,128 4.22 2017-10-11 People Bef... Security South West St Albans RM Bolsover Bradford S RG19 Non-Civil...
If the 2024 Kingston upon… Martin Baker 4,577 3.46 2017-12-11 Women's Eq... Common Law West Midla Portsmouth EX Dumfries a... Lowestoft WR4 Brinkburn
If the 2015 West Lancashire… Adrian Owens 7,628 1.03 2017-06-10 Libertaria Politicall... South East Sunderland WD South Oxfo... North Durh LE65 Wouldham
If the 2015 Witham Parliamentary… David Hodges 2,936 4.87 2017-04-02 Labour Secular Wales Blackpool DG Shetland I... Burton and... NR6 Brentor
If the 2017 Parliamentary… Josh Pope 8,671 3.03 2017-12-06 Conservati Keynesian London Halifax HU Waltham Fo... North East... TN5 Winterbour...
If the 2024 Liverpool Walton… Billy Lake 5,506 3.46 2017-02-12 Liberal De... Progressiv East of En Bury CO Melton Mid Dorset... SS4 Worleston
If the 2015 Penrith and The… Chris Davidson 316 3.33 2017-04-09 Labour Common Law Northern I... Liverpool TD Merton Lon Mid Bedfor... KA16 Non-Civil...


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Order Summary

Please allow 24hrs for your order to be reviewed. Once reviewed, you will receive an email with details about the final cost of your order for you to approve.