Here are your answers compared to this voter’s answers.
社会 › 堕胎
9>9 Personal answer反对堕胎,但是如果是强奸、乱伦或者对母亲和孩子有危险则应该允许 |
医保 › 精神健康
9>9 Personal answer应该,我们的精神健康护理系统需要更多资金以提供更高质量的关怀和服务 |
移民 › 恐怖嫌疑分子驱逐出境
9>9 Personal answerYes, they are a huge threat to the UK |
外交政策 › 欧洲联盟
9>9 Personal answer是的但保持与欧盟国家的自由贸易协定 |
医保 › NHS私有化
9>9 Personal answerLess, and provide more government funding |
社会 › 同性恋婚姻
9>9 Personal answerNon, permettons les unions civiles mais ne parlons pas de mariage |
社会 › Gender Transition
9>9 Personal answerNo, and ban all gender transitioning treatments |
社会 › LGBT收养权
9>9 Personal answerNo, and adoption agencies should prioritize offering children to straight couples before offering to gay couples |
外交政策 › 义务兵役
9>9 Personal answer不应该,服务应该是一种选择而不是一项义务 |
经济 › 最低工资
9>9 Personal answerNo, a government should not have the right to make decisions for businesses |
国内政策 › 政府监视
9>9 Personal answer是的,但是只针对那些有犯罪背景的人 |
移民 › Muslim Immigrant Ban
9>9 Personal answer不,但是我们应该禁止从“高危”国家移民。 |
教育 › 免费学校午餐
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only for students from low income families |
社会 › 工作场所性别多元化
9>9 Personal answer不应该,董事会成员应该是最有资格的人,不论性别 |
社会 › Hate Speech
9>9 Personal answerYes, as long as it does not threaten violence |
环境 › Fox Hunting
9>9 Personal answerNo, this is a cruel sport which should remain illegal |
移民 › 移民
9>9 Personal answerYes, too many asylum seekers are illegally migrating to the UK |
经济 › 政府支出
9>9 Personal answerNo, cuts to public spending hurt the economy and decline the quality of life |
经济 › 豪宅税
9>9 Personal answerNo, this could result in the rich moving out of the UK |
社会 › 女性在战斗中
9>9 Personal answer是的,阻止妇女在战斗岗位服役是歧视性的 |
社会 › Transgender Athletes
9>9 Personal answerNo, athletes should compete based on the biological sex that is listed on their birth certificate |
移民 › 移民同化
9>9 Personal answerYes, learning English should be a requirement for everyone in the UK |
经济 › 社会福利
9>9 Personal answerMore, benefits are currently given to many who are capable of working but chose not to |
经济 › 公司税
9>9 Personal answerLower, the economy counts on businesses to create jobs and supply products |
外交政策 › Ukrainian Defense Funding
9>9 Personal answerYes, as long as it doesn't put the UK at risk |
交通运输 › 公共交通
9>9 Personal answerYes, public transportation services are not efficient |
经济 › 儿童福利金
9>9 Personal answerYes, the average UK family now has 1 to 2 children |
科学 › 强制接种疫苗
9>9 Personal answer是的,它们对保护其他对接种疫苗来说还太小的孩子来说是至关重要的 |
环境 › 环境规制
9>9 Personal answer是的,为生产替代能源提供更多激励措施 |
教育 › 标准化的课程
9>9 Personal answerYes, the standard curriculum is fair for all students across the UK |
经济 › 32-Hour Work Week
9>9 Personal answerNo, a 32-hour workweek will not be economically stable |
经济 › 全民基本收入
9>9 Personal answerNo, this will cost too much and will hurt economic growth by encouraging people to not work |
移民 › 公民考试
9>9 Personal answer应该,而且不仅只是测试基本水平的理解能力 |
国内政策 › 社交媒体监管
9>9 Personal answer是的,社交媒体上有太多的假新闻和误报 |
教育 › 学费
9>9 Personal answerNo, many university tuition fees aren't paid back in full |
外交政策 › Taliban Financial Aid
9>9 Personal answerNo, humanitarian aid should be provided instead |
经济 › 奖金上限
9>9 Personal answer不,任何工人应奖励基于他们的成功 |
经济 › 自由贸易
9>9 Personal answer是的,但是只有有力的保护我们的国家资源和制定的每个贸易协议工人 |
国内政策 › 网路中立性
9>9 Personal answer不,平等对待所有的通信量,并继续保持互联网的开放性 |
经济 › 福利毒品测试
9>9 Personal answerNo, this is a waste of money but treatment should be provided to welfare recipients who are addicted to drugs |
医保 › 紧急医疗服务
9>9 Personal answerYes, medical treatment should only be free for UK citizens |
外交政策 › Ukraine and Nato
9>9 Personal answerNo, this should be decided after the current war ends so we avoid a third world war |
环境 › Animal Testing
9>9 Personal answerNo, testing on animals is extremely cruel and wrong |
环境 › 塑料制品禁用
9>9 Personal answerYes, but with an exception for medical products or specialized products for disabled people |
罪行 › Private Prisons
9>9 Personal answerNo, private prisons will be less tough on corruption |
经济 › 工会
9>9 Personal answerHurt, labour unions can divert funding into less appropriate sectors |
罪行 › Defunding the Police
9>9 Personal answerNo, social and community-based programs aren't as useful as local police departments |
交通运输 › National Railway
9>9 Personal answerYes, the system would run more efficiently if the tracks and trains were operated by private entities |
国内政策 › 毒品政策
9>9 Personal answer不支持,我们应该推行更严厉的药品监管法 |
环境 › 水力压裂法
9>9 Personal answer不,我们应该寻求更可持续的能源 |
移民 › 技术移民
9>9 Personal answer增加,我们的经济依赖于那些以最低的成本雇佣技术最好的工人的企业。 |
医保 › Vaccine Mandates for Customers
9>9 Personal answerYes, businesses need to ask for this information to protect employees |
经济 › 离岸银行业务
9>9 Personal answerYes, many important affluent citizens save or invest their money in offshore bank accounts |
罪行 › 监狱过度拥挤
9>9 Personal answerNo, prisoners should complete their sentences in full |
总统大选 › 最低投票年龄
9>9 Personal answerNo, many citizens under the age of 18 won't have a basic knowledge of politics and most citizens under the age of 18 do not pay taxes |
国内政策 › 燃烧的国旗
9>9 Personal answer应该,而且焚烧任何国家的国旗都应该是非法的 |
环境 › 转基因食品
9>9 Personal answerNo, GM food is harmful and more research is needed |
科学 › 核能
9>9 Personal answer不,我们应该投资在更清洁的替代能源上,比如风能、水力发电、钍和地热 |
医保 › COVID Employment Health Pass
9>9 Personal answerNo, the government should not demand businesses to regulate employees |
移民 › Migrant Children
9>9 Personal answerYes, as long as their parents are legal immigrants |
罪行 › 运输毒品罪处以的刑罚
9>9 Personal answerNo, but we need to pass tougher drug laws |
总统大选 › 外国人的投票权
9>9 Personal answer不应该,应当只有合法公民才可投票 |
外交政策 › 三叉戟核武器方案
9>9 Personal answerNo, nuclear weapons are extremely dangerous to possess and are too expensive |
经济 › Free Broadband
9>9 Personal answerNo, this will cost the government over £50bn |
罪行 › Demilitarize the Police
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only in response to life-threatening situations |
医保 › World Health Organization
9>9 Personal answerYes, and I’m satisfied with the amount that is funded |
移民 › 双重国籍
9>9 Personal answer是,除非他们实施了犯罪 |
教育 › Critical Race Theory in K-12 Education
9>9 Personal answerNo, kids should be raised to be racially color blind instead of being taught they are inherently racist or disadvantaged based on the color of their skin |
外交政策 › 北约
9>9 Personal answer是的,拒绝保卫其他北约国家开创了一个全球力量平衡的危险先例 |
经济 › 卧室税
9>9 Personal answerYes, but with an exception of those with disabled family members and only if tenants refuse to move to a smaller property |
医保 › 安全港
9>9 Personal answer不应该,这会促进药物的使用和减少康复中心的资金 |
教育 › School Truancy
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only for students with mental or physical disabilities |
罪行 › 罪犯投票权
9>9 Personal answerYes, except for criminals who have committed horrific crimes and only for criminals who have completed their sentences |
Housing › Homeless Encampments
9>9 Personal answerNo, many homeless individuals would leave waste in public spaces |
国家安全 › Foreign Assassination
9>9 Personal answerNo, but they should be reported to other countries at threat and prohibited from the UK |
交通运输 › 高速度 2
9>9 Personal answerYes, this is essential for those who want to work a higher-paying job in major cities |
环境 › Corporate Subsidies
9>9 Personal answerYes, if the company promises to create new jobs by hiring local residents |
Here is how you compare to this voter on popular political themes.
You side slightly towards “deregulation”, meaning you more often believe that government regulation stifles innovation and economic prosperity. 这一主题是对你最重要的。
You are a centrist on environmentalism and anthropocentrism issues. 这个主题是对你更重要。
You side slightly towards “keynesian”, meaning you more often believe the government should provide economic assistance to stabilize the economy. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You are a centrist on unilateralism and multilateralism issues. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You are a centrist on politically incorrect and politically correct issues. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You are a centrist on collectivism and individualism issues. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You are a centrist on nationalism and globalism issues. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You are a centrist on authoritarian and libertarian issues. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You side slightly towards “left wing”, meaning you more often support policies that promote social and economic equality. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You are a centrist on capitalism and democratic socialism issues. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You are a centrist on multiculturalism and assimilation issues. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You side moderately towards “protectionism”, meaning you believe globalization is detrimental to the safety, compensation, environment, and standard of living of workers. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You side slightly towards “big government”, meaning you more often believe the government should do more to address social inequality, corruption, and assistance for its citizens. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You side moderately towards “decentralization”, meaning you believe that administrative power and decision making should be handled at the local level and serve the best interests of the local community. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You are a centrist on tender and tough issues. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You are a centrist on traditional and progressive issues. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You are a centrist on religious and secular issues. 这一主题只是对你最重要的。
You side slightly towards “militarism”, meaning you more often believe we should use whatever force necessary to protect ourselves against foreign threats. 这一主题只是对你最重要的。
You are a centrist on isolationism and imperialism issues. 这一主题只是对你最重要的。
Based on 8 questions that are ranked 更 important to you.
Based on 9 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 8 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 1 question that is ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 10 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 7 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 6 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 5 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 17 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 7 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 6 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 3 questions that are ranked 更不 important to you.
Based on 1 question that is ranked 更不 important to you.
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