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Yes but allow people to work more hours should they require and the wage should go up so that it is the equivalent to what a full time worker is now


Depending on sector, heathcare workers for example are needed to help patients and should not have too few work hours



Only for non-vital sectors; it should be banned for Public Sector jobs. (NHS, Police, etc)


Yes, but only if protections are brought in to protect workers current net salaries e.g. someone earning £1000 a week in a 37.5 hour week should earn £1000 in a 32 hour week


Should not be mandatory, should be for a private businesss to deciede






Yes, but only if take home pay still equals that of a 37.5 hour week




Yes, if there is evidence to prove it increases productivity in certain sectors.



I think it would work if everything it affected changed with it, entitlements to benefits and credit for example

People should be paid proportionally to how long they work, unless they have extenuating circumstances e.g. health problems, in which case they should be paid for a 40-hour work week. Hours should also be more flexible.




every working person should get 2 consecutive days off per week. No-one should be expected to do a 10+shift, especially medical staff.


No and it is to simple a question to cover such a wide reaching topic.


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