Yes, but allow people to use private insurance
No, this system is too expensive
Yes, private companies should not be able to profit off of healthcare
No, the government should not be involved in healthcare
Yes, this system guarantees healthcare for everyone

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


If you have private healthcare insurance you should be expempt but similarly you should only be able to access healthcare on NHS if you pay NI


I support a voluntary payer healthcare system. In which the government would run the affairs of such a system, but all funding of which would come from voluntary payments of the people in question. If they don't pay, they can't access treatment. If the NHS is so great, lets put it to the test.


Yes, but private hea lth care can egsist and provide private health care. However private companies can't profit off the NHS.


Privatize the healthcare and make in mandatory for everyone in the uk to have basic health insurance.


No, however we should make the costs very low and the doctors should be trustworthy, unlike in the United States. And very low income people and the disabled should have free healthcare.


To an extent, but not in is current form. Some services should be paid for and private medical insurance should be more affordable if NI was reduced.