Yes, and ban the use of crytocurrencies
No, and underprivileged citizens deserve the same financial opportunities and services that traditional banks offer the wealthy
No, and citizens should be allowed to protect their savings from reckless fiscal policies or subjugation

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 @9NTVFS6answered…5 days5D

They should be monitored but why have we got people who are unable to access banking accounts? We should be supporting them to be able to do this


Regulations should be on crypocurrency companies, not individual users, companies should be regulated for the environmental impact and in the case of scams


Yes, and implement stricter regulation on the advertising/engaging with it through Social Media due to the influence it can cause


Impose strict penalties for the use of cryptocurrencies in criminal activity, but allow it for use by the general public regardless of status.


Yes, but they should regulate the crypto currency businesses rather than their usage so that nobody is getting scammed, if the currencies can be changed into genuine Uk currency then there is no problem


No but I think there should be more education on this and other risk assets.