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 @9NXJ62Janswered…4 days4D

Proper bike lanes are needed away from traffic. Not just token white lines down roads these are so dangerous.

 @9NWKFJ9answered…4 days4D

Yes use of bicycles should be promoted but with proper infrastructure for cycling rather than bike lanes tagged onto the side of the road (see netherlands as example)

 @9NQDTDZanswered…7 days7D

No bicycles should be BANNED from the roads as they do NOT pay road tax on the roads they use. Only allow them on the roads in built up areas


Yes, but must take into account the large numbers of people who cannot use a bike due to health reasons or age.


Not as a tick box exercise, it needs to be sensibly thought through with regards location.. local people need their say


Yes, but not impeding on the priority of highways. If highways have two pavements, make one bike priority and the other pedestrian priority, but allow pedestrian crossings on the bike “highways”

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