Yes, and every capable person claiming benefits should take on unpaid community work
Yes, but lower the 30hr minimum to allow more time to look for a job
Yes, but after 3 months of claiming

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 @9LQDB3Janswered…6 days6D

Yes but no min amount of hours and dependent on if possible. Obviously people with terminal illness/full time carers or MPLD would not be able to do this.


Yes however individual circumstances should be assessed. For example a young person may have a disability, physical or learning which allows them to be in receipt of benefits


Yes unless they are disabled/ not well enough to work. Make sure it’s worthwhile volunteering / it changes after a time so they can find something they are interested in


After an assessment, and if capable some community work and a chance to up-skill may increase wellbeing and employment opportunities, but it would depend if the person was fit to work.

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