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Nuclear energy produces no harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and hires many home grown engineers.
Nuclear waste can be burred safely underground for millenniums.



Nuclear plants do create waste, though this is safely stored. There is a stigma around nuclear plants because of Chernobyl but this is the only big accident that ever happened with nuclear power. Nuclear power has claimed less lives than wind turbines and of course coal power.


Barring Chernobyl, Fukushima and Three Miles, Nuclear energy can provide the best form of energy with the least amount of carbon emissions.

 @9LVZNG5 agreed…3 days3D

"Proponents of its use claim
that it is a very 'clean' form of energy since very little fuel is needed to generate a lot of energy,
and since no air pollution is produced, as in the burning of coal."

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (.gov) › ...PDF
Nuclear Energy: the Good, the Bad, and the Debatable

 @9LWJWYT agreed…2 days2D

Nuclear is not only the cleanest form of energy, it is the 2nd safest.


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