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 @9GD229N disagreed…8mos8MO

For many people across the UK, getting a degree is seen a route out of poverty. Although reducing tuition fees would be a welcome move, it would still mean that (unless reduced almost completely) many of the poorest Britons will see a university degree as unaffordable. The current fee for the vast majority of domestic students sits at an exorbitant £9,250. In order for Britain to be a more equal society, a complete scrappage of tuition fees is necessary.

 @9GBQNDWWomen's Equality disagreed…8mos8MO

Many people could not afford the reduced fee which would send the people further into debt and make the rich richer.


If these tuition fees were once free, why not keep them that way? A reduction won't do much good in helping people with less money from making an improvement in life through education, they will still be kept poor and will never be able to improve their lifestyle

 @9GCMH2BLiberal Democratdisagreed…8mos8MO

They should be scrapped, young people have it hard enough without 30k of debt hanging over them before they even start their adult lives


Education should be equal for everyone since its such an important thing and so many people cant go on to do things that they want/ could do just because they dont have enough money.


Education shoud be free for everyone. Students from poorer backgrounds shouldnt be burdened with having to pay back thousands of pounds for their education. Higher education should nof be run as a business. Everyone has the right to a good education, not just the elite in society.


Education is a human right and the commodification of such basic human rights are a detriment to society. Further more by barring poorer people from education we reduce social mobility.


Equal opportunities should be given to all who want to study regardless of their wealth. Too many young people aren’t able to study despite their talents and academic achievements simply because they cannot afford to pay for university fees and meet other living costs at the same time.


no point in reducing it, debt will already accumulate. we should pay people who want to educate themselves and as knowledge is power


most people can't even afford university and becomes a massive weight on families with debt and affordability


Everyone has a right to education and students should focus more on renting and bills for dorms to live in so yes


I understand that to go through higher education would require you to pay for your own course however people aged between 18-24 are not fully financially stable and that causes problems for those who want to further contribute to the economy as they may not be able to afford the higher education that is required to contribute more beneficially.


Tuition Fees in this world today is 10x more than what would’ve been charged 20 years ago. Tuition fees today are £9,250. When you compare that with 18-24 year olds who are straight A students, who can’t get a job with no experience, have no life savings, maybe grown up in poverty, to someone who failed school, gets jobs handed to them by family or friends, etc. That isn’t equal. Reduced in this governments eye is reduced to £9000. That is over half of what my mother makes in a year. You look at the government today what do you see? A bunch of rich, entitled, and spoiled people who can’t understand what poor means today and they want to talk about equality and reducing fees? Tuition fees should be abolished. Young people have enough to worry about without the government giving them another reason.


Education should be free for everyone and not the few. We are not victorians. God knows we pay enough in taxes!


Education is a core right all people should have, reducing the fees still cuts off certain people from allowing them to access university eduction and gain higher qualifications which in turn will allow the to get higher paying jobs. It is important that university education should be free.

 @9GT35MVLiberal Democratdisagreed…8mos8MO

It is my belief that opportunities should be equal so that those who work hard in society reach their potential, meritocracy, level playing ground.


In the time of university is hard to be full time at work and student as well and like this you don’t have all the money to pay your tuition and support the family or your self .


The main purpose of education is that we want to shape the futures of our generation. I believe by having uk university tution fees this initally deters people from the idea of uni which reduces the number of applicants fr uni.As a result essential jobs such as the medical industry, the legal industry, and much more is essential to our society and how we survive. By havong tution fees so high and not adapting tonew ways peple can reach their jobs the univeristy system will collapse. By reducing tution fees i believe it not only encouranges more people to go to uni it will help further develop the education system and help shape the future.


In many other countries there are no tuition fees; such as France. Tuition fees contribute to an unequal society. Education is a right not a privilege.


Higher education should not be so heavily limited due to families financial stability, as it only leads to a cycle of being unable to purse higher paying jobs that keep them in that financial struggle.


Abolish all fees as my university degree had false promises and I am working in a totaly different sector.


Reduced tuition fees would be a reasonable argument were it not for the fact that the underprivileged citizens of the country can be driven into debt that they can never escape and can have their credit rating destroyed by the fact that they have to pay back student loans that they cant afford just to get a degree in hopes of a decent job


This makes us less competitive with Europe which is investing in its higher education through no tuition fees and makes it accessible to all


House Prices and Rents have risen faster than the rate of inflation. Even with a reduced tuition fee, many will still find this unaffordable.


I think a reduction should help, but I think that people doing degrees are going to use that skill in the community which is a benefit.. being charged to gain knowledge is wrong.


The university process costs the public more, as students cannot afford the fees, meaning they have to borrow more, which costs the tax payer more. It also makes a standard of education exclusive to those with the financial means to survive supporting their living on a maximum minimum wage job.


Tuition fees don't support anyone who is studying, they discourage many from studying in the first place.


everyone has the right to an education and shouldn't be at an disadvantage for work just because they cannot afford to get a degree


Everyone has the right to an education, and there shouldn’t be financial barriers between someone and their education


Young people are being put off getting huge education because of how expensive university costs and all the teachers strike anyways so what are we paying for?


Reduced tuition fees would be a reasonable argument were it not for the fact that the underprivileged citizens of the country can be driven into debt that they can never escape and can have their credit rating destroyed by the fact that they have to pay back student loans that they cant afford just to get a degree in hopes of a decent job.


They should be abolished so everyone can go to their first choice university, without having to worry about living costs


It is valid, however tuition fees can cause bright individuals to deter from studying and we miss out on potential


They should be made free as to provide equal opportunities for all of the future generations and also give Britain the best workforce regardless of their backgrounds.


people would go to university and take advantage of the cheaper fees and not treat it as a privilege


Surely, the next generation should have no economic boundary towards them achieving the best possible education to get them the best possible job


Many might not be able to afford it as although getting a degree is important it’s causes many people to go into debt

 @9MY63YGGreen disagreed…4wks4W

In which case, those fees should be used for the betterment and upkeep of facilities at universities and go into increasing staff pay. The fees too often end up lining the pockets of chancellors while professor and tutor pay ends up frozen for several years.


The only barriers and checkpoints to further education should be academic. Students should not be excluded based on external factors of their birth such as household income. A 'wide net' correlates to a higher likelihood of those with suitable traits going on to take up careers which will, in one way or another, contribute to the country after they have graduated.


All education should be free to enable a more educated and diverse workforce that in turn will lead to better employment and economic growth


Education is a right, charging for it is abhorrent, it opens the door to charging for secondary or even primary education

 @9MWGQTBPlaid Cymrudisagreed…4wks4W

Reduction in tuition fees will not help families who are not able to afford necessities such as food. No tuition fees is the only way to ensure that the university system is open to those in poverty and disadvantage.


To charge people to gain a higher level of education will only reduce the amount of people going to Universities and will reduce the general intellectual level of the population


If fees are reduced, will there still be a discrepancy based on your birthplace within the UK, how will the difference in price for the same course at the same university for a Welsh, Irish, Scottish, and English citizens be equalised or addressed?


People cannot afford education or the repayment even on higher wage. Their education is providing higher economic value to the country


A degree in any higher educated or technical job is required, even if it's a low paying job or a junior position in something as simple as web-development.


Yes, some people can’t afford university so having high fees prevents people from getting the education they deserve.


Tuition fees make it difficult for young people to access university, regardless of whether the price is in the range of £9250, as it is currently, or anywhere lower. Young people stress about the idea of student finance and paying back tons of loans before they’ve even stepped into their lives, and so are more hesitant to attend university. Statistics could most likely prove this, and could also potentially show that young people who don’t go to university are less likely to achieve high paid jobs; and those who do attend university are less likely to aim for high paying jobs, in fear of becoming entrapped in paying back a ton of loans from their time in university.


By how much? Every young person should have the right to higher education without feeling the weight of dept in their future.


I disagree. Scotland manage no fee, having fees discriminates working class from going to university, keeping a divided society, I am a single parent and this is massively important for my children's future, they consider what the parent earns and yet thos has nothing to do with how they can help the child with fees because most can't


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