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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y



Outside perspectives with a third-party governing system (meaning finances and opinions) can back anti-war ideas.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

Yes, we should always promote diplomatic peace talks during foreign conflicts

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

No, we should not get involved in foreign conflicts


War is an issue for all, regardless of localisation. World Peace benefits all people and is in everyone’s best interest, so pushing to resolved conflicts regardless of our involvement is the moral and right way to go.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

No, only if it is an immediate threat to our safety


Regardless, we must force the complete dismantlement of Iran's nuclear programme and keep Iran under enough pressure to contain it locally until its current government is replaced by one which respects human rights, frees its people, and does not threaten other countries.


No. The UK government is inept and unlikely to ameliorate anything between these two countries. Any UK interference would only be to protect economic interests. Support peace by all means, but do not send any UK politician.

 @9HSPMYPLiberal Democratanswered…4mos4MO

Only in the sense of avoiding unnecessary loss of life, both sides are ruled by authoritarian governments with terrible human-rights records.


If the British Government kept its nose out of the middle east there might be a chance for the middle east to sort out its own affairs. Our role should be humanitarian aid in a non-aligned context and mediation support.


Yes, and we should reduce sanctions on Iran while still exerting political pressure over huma rights concerns

 @8SZTB3ZSNP answered…6mos6MO

Let them get on with it and stay out of it. Stop overestimating the importance of the UK in such and other world matters.

 @9FR2SG2from Arizona answered…7mos7MO

Yes but we should not be expected to expend any of our own resources or time to do so. Let them sort this out, this is not our problem.


We should generally stay out of such matters but in the case of these two counties we should take action on the disgusting human rights violations they allow in law

 @9FLR736 answered…7mos7MO

Yes, we should support peace talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran and other countries that are in conflicts but not impose or exercise any more power than is wanted.


No we made a mistake in Iraq and should not get involved in Middle East conflicts


I am wounding why is new Zealand Ireland is about live foreign policy which suits the country


 @9CJYJ8SRejoin EUanswered…10mos10MO


 @7F46CCVLiberal Democrat from Maine answered…11mos11MO

No, both countries have ethical issues, particularly in fields like freedom of religion and womens' rights, and so we should stay out of it.


Yes, we must promote diplomacy between the two regional powers, as well as use the opportunity to reaffirm our relationship with Arabia, and reassert influence of the west over the region above that of the meddling Chinese.


Stop getting involved in with other countries and focus on improving our own.


Our government should only interfere if both sides in talk process want them involved


On the basis that women and children are protected and have full access to education and get health


No because it may get worse between the two of them and drag us into a war


Yes, however reduce our security relationship with Saudi Arabia and be wary of China’s motives as a “neutral” negotiator.


It is not important to our country or government and should be dealt with between the 2 countries not us.


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