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125 Replies

 @9NMVY5Sanswered…2 days2D

yes, but it should be subject to a history and credit check as well as future check in plans to insure the homeowners are doing everything to earn money.

 @9NMGH7Lanswered…2 days2D

Yes, Only if the homeowner passes an interview and regulations set by government accountants to ensure they are not irresponsibly borrowing money

 @9NM8X7HGreenanswered…2 days2D

Children Act, Section One; “The welfare of the child is paramount” = families with children should have access to affordable housing.

 @9MCFFZV answered…3 days3D

Each situation would require a closer look as to whether the situations are beyond their control. The government cannot be responsible for poor financial control.

 @9NJQYB2answered…4 days4D

depends on size of the house, how much money they've got in the bank and if there trying, if there being lazy then no, if they are trying but struggling then yes

 @9NJBXRPanswered…4 days4D

Yes, depending on the circumstances. If it’s down to negligence or mismanaging personnel finances then no.

 @9NJ5Q8CLabouranswered…4 days4D

Yes but only based on individual circumstances such as loss of income due to severe illness / loss of a partner / spouse affecting income

 @9NHFJLNIndependentanswered…4 days4D

There should be assistance programs available, either directly from the government or otherwise publicly-available programs.

 @9NF94NGGreenanswered…6 days6D

Yes, if you can prove your change of circumstances is under no fault of your own and actively looking

 @9ND9Q6HLabouranswered…6 days6D

I think it should be based on a case by case basis, if the homeowner can prove beyond measurable doubt they need help, help should be given.

 @9NCQM5DIndependentanswered…7 days7D

Government backed organisations that take on loans/mortgage to prevent foreclosures and agree method of repayment for individual to remain in their property.

 @9N9ZQLWfrom Southern Finland answered…1wk1W

Government should create a legal framwework that makes reposession (this is Britain, right?) a lot more difficult for landlords and banks.


Potentially although these should be regulated as to make sure they’re not being overly used so the economy is not damaged.


Depending on individual factors, evident should be provided, and reasonable/ acceptable cause for leading to the situation


Yes, but only short term, and any financial assistance provided should be repaid at their current mortgage rate


People who suffer financial misfortune should be supported. People who simply waste their money must accept responsibility for their actions


Yes, but all such support must be purely for owner-occupiers; nothing that can be used by landlords.


Yes but only to those who have attempted to catch up on their payments in good faith.


Taking over the mortgage and lending at a lower rate to assist repayments


Yes, depending on the reasons for facing foreclosure on a case by case basis


yes if they genuinely need help especially if it was something out of their control then yes



No however certain extenuating circumstances should be taken into account


Depends on their financial situation. If they just simply cannot agford their lifestyle it should not be the goverments problem. However if they genuinely cannot survive then they should be helped


Yes, but only if the homeowners can prove they’re at risk and they will pay the loan back

 @9N2VYFNLiberal Democratanswered…2wks2W

No, if its the fault of the homeowner, Yes, if the bank is raising the rates.


Only provide support for a certain amount of time depending on the circumstance so people don’t use the assistance to their advantage.


Yes, only if they show proof of good credit score and can manage their finances


Yes, but only for incidents which have been out of that persons control e.g redundancy


Only help those in financial difficulties out of their control like redundancy.



Yes, comparing the taxes they get to the morgage they are due as a loan, and those with minimum wage should be given a stricter loan but still helpful




Yes however vigorous checks need to be put in place in order to get the money

 @9N2D6PYLabourfrom Ontario answered…2wks2W



well , depends if it’s their fault they lost the house eg. Not working as lazy, then definitely no help but if its burned down then yes help


Definitely for people that have found themselves in an unfortunate situation. But maybe not for people who have been irresponsible


yes to an extent. should have a specific amount of money they can take out in a specific amount of time based on employability and situations at home


dependent on personal circumstances - if they would be homeless without assistance then it should be provided


 @9MZVKQFWomen's Equalityanswered…2wks2W

The government should set up rent-to-own schemes or set up schemes to convert bad mortgages to rent-to-own schemes.


An economic crash, or pandemic then yes. If irresponsible borrowing, no.




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