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48 Replies


Yes, prioritise the maintenance and repair of existing road and bridges. However, replace where necessary


Car tax should pay for it. But it's just another tax that's been siphoned by corruption in local government


Existing infrastructure must be repaired/maintained to a safe standard, which isn't always the case at present - that must be the priority.


Equal parts improve and implement. Iterative design essentially so things move for the better steadily




yes, unless currant/old isn't or can't cost-effectively be made to adequately serve it's purpose


No, new infrastructure should be planned and maintained seperately from existing projects.


They should repair existing roads and build new ones, but only after upgrading public transport infrastructure


No, work should be prioritised based on the requirements of the region and assigned proportionally and appropriately

 @9PQK29Canswered…6 days6D

full independent feasibility and value for money studies should be undertaken to decide whih is best for the tax payer.


Both should be prioritised, new construction takes loads off inefficient networks but all routes require maintenance


No, unless it is to replace existing roads which are in poor condition and require constant maintenance with newer and improved infrastructure which lasts longer and requires less maintenance

 @9PJQ938Green answered…2wks2W

Unless its cheaper to replace (this opinion excludes bridges that need historical preservation), and the government can find a green way of doing it


Northern roads are in terrible need of upgrading. The A1 was finally ungraded to scorch corner, however what shot passed this point?
The A66 has been a death trap for decades, but maybe it’s because the people in charge never need to use it.
(Other than Dominic Cummings that was willing to spread COVID against the rules)


Incorporating SUDS and cycle lanes into the existing road network with residential areas requiring semi permeable paving


No, not prioritise it over repairs and maintenance but there should be a balance between repairs and building new roads


Toll roads like the M6 Toll should be created in areas of extreme traffic (but cheaper than the current extortionate prices)


I think they are both just as important we need to maintain current info structure as much as possible but to deal with increasing population in certain areas and use of more public transportation and cars and bikes. We should also upgrade current info structure in certain areas to avoid congestion.


I think this varies from region to region and the choice should depend on what research shows to be the most pressing concern in a particular area - whatever research shows is likely to prove the most beneficial for an area.


There should be a balance to ensure roads are safe and provide the safest, most efficient means of getting around.


An infrastructure commissioner should be created to judge where public infrastructure money should be spent


No, current infrastructure should be retooled to priortise public transport, bikes and pedestrian walkways

 @9NJR5LJ answered…4wks4W

It depends on the state of old roads and bridges. Necessary repairs first and then rest new infrastructures.


Depending upon the age of said infrastructure, it should be considered whether it needs new construction or maintenance


No. Only after public transportation have been privatized and controlled to provide a higher efficiency service

 @9NGGN4SLiberal Democratanswered…4wks4W

The approach should be neither 'new for new's sake' nor keeping old infrastructure running when it is obsolete - projects should be thoroughly appraised for efficacy, cost-effectiveness, environmental impact and public value.


There should be a prioritisation of which infrastructure is needed to be built v fixed. Infrastructure is a long term investment and without it we cannot expect growth.



Yes, but only when it is economically more viable to maintain existing infrastructure.

 @9MYFJDHLiberal Democrat answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but this should not completely erase the possibility of construction of transportation infrastructure


 @9MY3GGR answered…1mo1MO


New infrastructure is equally as important as maintaining current roads

 @9MWM3MM answered…1mo1MO

No, but the maintenance and repair requires more attention and funding.


Both. Where possible, existing structures should be renewed and where necessary new infrastructure should be built


Yes, as long as it makes sense to keep it operating, and new connections don't suffer.


Depends on the road or bridge, and if new infrastructure is needed to meet population demand/growth.


All revenue generated from motorists should be solely used for road maintenance and new infrastructure.

 @9PZ5XK8answered…1 day1D

Build new and add cycle paths to new road all of them make it compulsory add cycle paths to all roads

 @9PVVYNSanswered…2 days2D

I believe both should be done. We need new infrastructure, however we also need to maintain our current infrastructure.

 @9PVB7MPanswered…3 days3D

yes but only if the new infrastructure is entirely necessary to improve the life of others then that overpowers the repair of roads and bridges.

 @9PRGGCLanswered…5 days5D

Each County should identify which is the most important for the next 10 years and implement - whether is repair or build new. Currently the most important is REPAIR EXISTING ROADS.


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