Vaping refers to using electronic cigarettes that deliver nicotine through vapor, while junk food includes high-calorie, low-nutrition foods like candy, chips, and sugary drinks. Both are linked to various health issues, especially among young people. Proponents argue that banning promotion helps protect the health of young people, reduces the risk of developing lifelong unhealthy habits, and decreases public health costs. Opponents argue that such bans infringe on commercial free speech, limit consumer choice, and that education and parental guidance are more effective ways to promote healthy lifestyles.
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Vaping and Smoking should be banned, however Alcohol and Junk food should remain legal for everyone.
“Alcohol and Junk food should remain”
Alcohol has just the same amount of bad effects if not more than smoking in terms of the ways people abuse and use it but state I am just being socialable and think that I am not drinking to excess but in reality are but don't see it as being harmful
They need to seriously look at banning alcohol due too the sheer amount of issues it causes proven through the same research and study against smoking and vaping. Yet far too many people like yourselves want that too still be left despite the severe consequences that alcohol has in many different ways not just the health implications but the fact that people deem it to be a social thing which is the exact same thing that happened with cigarettes and yet people are seriously opposed too that despite the same amount of damage is done through alcohol. If not more it causes people too be incredib… Read more
Ban the production of single use plastic products like vapes, implement further testing for long-term health risks and awareness, implement laws that ban food manufacturers from using harmful and non-eco-friendly ingredients
I don't consider vaping and junk food on the same level, some should be banned but not all 'unhealthy' choices should be banned
I don't believe this is important/will make a difference, as people will still buy the products if they want them.
Vaping yes. Junk food undecided. Very subjective term to use ‘junk food’ - typical scaremongering usually applies.
The government should do more to promote and reduce the cost of healthy living not punish us for treats
Vaping should be more carefully regulated, particularly single use vapes due to the environmental impact
Yes to vaping, but that's because they're particularly connected to ill health. Junk foods in general, as long as they don't contain harmful chemicals, can be consumed in moderation without generally lasting ill health.
No but fair and accurate advertising should be made so people can make informed decisions. And the easiest food available should be the healthiest.
Yes, but with robust research and without encouraging use of unnatural and unhealthy ingredients such as artificial sweeteners
Yes but not in adverts where it is clearly a joke. Also movies where this happens should not be banned either.
Only if the food is known to cause serious negative Health Effects. General foods like Soda, Chocolate and Crisps are fine. Vaping should ideally be eleminated to the best of our ability.
The government should work on educating people about the risks and health problems of products such as vapes and junk food, as this will not antagonise people as much as criminalising these behaviours and allow people to think critically for themselves and form personal judgements.
No, incentivise through cheaper healthy living and denial of public services/benefits for unhealthy life choices
Vaping and Junk food are very different. I would look at the stats and come up with my own decision on what promotions would need to be banned and what shouldn't. However I would say vaping is a lot worse for a young person than a McDonald's.
Vaping shouldn't be promoted as its risks are not yet consensually known. Junk food is down to the parents, I think.
Yes to banning vaping but not junk food, it should be regulated instead but punishing poor families for feeding their children the only thing they can afford isn't the way to solve the problem
flavoured and/or disposable vapes should be banned and vape companies should not be allowed to advertise their products.
It is beyond absurd to include vaping alongside junk food!!! Junk food is directly damaging to health; vaping saves lives.
@93MNLQ3 6mos6MO
They shouldn't necessarily ban them, but if we are promoting it as aggressively as we are, then we should make it more explicitly known how dangerous these products are to public health.
Junk food no, vaping yes. It is new enough that it can be banned and junk food is necessary in some circumstance, i.e. as a treat. More should be done to make people aware of the damage ingredients in foods can do to them i.e. chemical content
You can’t ban junk food. That’s people’s choice what they put into their bodies but vaping and secondhand smoke is not a choice as it’s unavoidable if you’re next to someone doing it.
Junk food is sometimes used by low income families and is cheaper than healthy food so don't feel this is an option as it is their choice. However, anything smoking related should be banned.
Vaping, yes, but junk food is about the only food a young person can afford these days, and healthier food tends to be more expensive.
vaping shouldnt be advertised but junkfood can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet which should be included in excercise
Difficult to ban all junk food but maybe some and not enough is known about health implications of vaping
Yes, but the government cannot be trusted to assess what constitutes "unhealthy". Vaping and junk food should not be put in the same category. One causes no harm and battles addiction, the other causes addiction and lifelong health problems
educate the young against them, stop promotion of these products and charge the cost of health support if the person continues to use / or doesn't take the advice from health professionals
Vaping should be held in the same regard as smoking to acco products because not enough is known what products are in them.
Yes more education on the dangers of vaping and the consequences of poor diets should be taught in schools
People have a choice but information on the detrimental effects need to be made clearer (and funded) by the manufacturers
High tax on these unhealthy lifestyle products and a charge by the NHS if the NHS is required for related illnesses.
Instead of demonising junk food reduce the price of healthy food to reduce the incentive to spend less money on unhealthy food thus increasing the obesity rate.
I think the government should ban promotion of vapes to try and discourage vaping due to the ongoing exploitation of child labour in the DRC, and ban promotion of fast food chains that actively fund the genocide in Palestine, such as McDonald's, Burger King and Pizza Hut.
Advertisements of vaping should be banned, but not junk food. Vaping and junk food are incomparable issues.
I think they should ban certain chemical use and promote quick and easy health options to replace fast food options
Yes to vaping but I won't remove junk food, just make it more expensive while making nutritionally dense foods cheaper and more accessible.
For addictive substances like vaping and smoking yes but not junk food. People should take responsibility for what they eat.
Smoking and vaping, yes, and let it be controlled and targeted only towards adults. Promoting certain junk foods should be somewhat controlled to limit those who are at risk of developing health problems, while also trying to promote more healthy foods, or implementing more certified healthy ingredients into certain junk foods like burgers.
Yes but specifically vaping. Products like Junk Food should require more education rather than banning the promotion of them
vapes, cigarettes, drugs, etc should be banned, but junk food should be allowed as long as the person has evidence that parents have okayed what they buy (messages, voice recording, etc)
Vaping, ban outright. Junk food, reduce advertisement, increase advertisement of healthy lifestyles.
Adds shouldn't exist for products that can cause major long term effect, e.g. smoking, vaping, etc, however I don't think junk food should follow this legislation
They should ban vaping or require it to be made healthy - ie herbal inhalations. They should tax junk food in the same way the Scottish government has priced alcohol to reduce mindless consumption,
No, parents should be teaching their children a healthy lifestyle without the need of government intervention.
It depends on what the product is. However they should encourage the youth to step away from cigarettes or vaping as a lot of young kids are only doing it because they can, not because they need it.
No, there should be more efforts focussed towards subsidising healthier food options and teaching people more about how to lead healthy lifestyles. You will never get rid of McDonald's or vaping, but you can give people the educational tools to improve their lives.
No, but improve education about the harms and empower people to make healthier life choices such as making healthy food more affoardable.
No, but tax them according to the increased burden on health and social services, with that funding ring-fenced for the NHS
Yes, but only unnecessary things eg vaping and smoking. Healthy food isn’t affordable for poor families and junk food is quick and cheaper to an extent. Plus people have the freedom to eat what they want
No, they will just get them illegally and the government will lose out on tax, educate young people more on the potential dangers.
People make their own decisions. There are more important things to spend a finite amount of taxpayers money on.
No, but make the restrictions tighter such as the amount of advertising allowed and places used to promote
They should ban the kind of advertising you often see on corner shop windows that cover the whole shop. Junk food should not be banned, but vapes should be.
Yes but make Healthier food less expensive. Fruit and vegetables can be quite expensive to buy to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
No. However, people should be subject to alternative or restricted treatment if they cannot exercise self control.
Yes particularly to harmful things like vapes, drugs and alcohol! Stances should be harder on these but also education should be provided on junk food as well.
No, but there should be better education about the health risks associated so people can make more informed choices
I don’t think it should be banned but the language and imagery used should be monitored so that these harmful products aren’t seen to be glamorizing harmful substances
I don’t think ban, but be more balanced in the portrayal - I believe people have the right to make unwise decisions
No, but there should be restrictions around how some products can be marketed, for example vapes designed to appeal to children and young people.
Vaping and gambling adverts should be removed. Things which can be done in moderation such as drinking alcohol and eating junk food should not
no, but vaping products should only be promoted after watershed and there should be more focus on education
I am all four Banning promotions of vaping and I would rather a complete ban on Vapes for all ages however with junk foods I don’t think there should be a ban on promotion but I do think kids and parents should be educated on the dangers of eating too much and we should promote People to be much fitter and much healthier
If it’s for vaping or anything that kids have under the certain age, then yes, but Junk Food shouldn’t really be banned, I would say that they should at least promote something that can influence parents for their children to eat less junk food and keep a healthier lifestyle
Banning advertising of smoking hasn't stopped people from smoking. Increase of awarwness of smoking related diseases was more effective.
What's been highly effective is the increase in price of cigarettes, vapes, camping liquid and increase in price of high sugar products.
Yes for vaping, but not junk food. Instead companies should be incentivised to produce healthier convenient food.
Junk food isn’t illegal however vaping underage is so bans should be put in place to reduce selling vapes to underage people.
People have their own minds and should be able to realise what's right and wrong for their health. If people can't understand that concept and end up fat or ill from whatever it is then they should deal with it privately so theirs no draining the NHS for their poor lifestyle choices.
No but there should be some responsibilty for everyone living unhealthy lifestyes. e.g if needing health care due to being drunk and causing an accident, the drunk person should have to pay something.
No, but do a better job to promote healthy living and ban the use of vapes in non designated areas. However, do not make the designated areas appealing.
No, but it should be made mandatory that any known health risks are disclosed in all promotional material.
I think there are probably smarter ways of doing it. Maybe not an outright ban, but making sure that ingredients at manufacturing level are safe and healthy for human consumption and will not have adverse affects. Much like the banning of certain E numbers.
The government should approve of and release guidance, but should not have total control over the lifestyle choices that young people make.
No. Rather provide more education on nutrition during school age. And enought tool so young adults can disencourage themselves from drug use
No but there needs to be more education around healthy foods, including teaching kids how to grow their own fruit and veg etc
@9NFPCZJCount Binface7mos7MO
Yes, but it needs a multidisciplinary approach, with the advice of economists as well as health specialists.
Ban vaping and bring back home economics into school from an early age to show that a healthy ifestyle is not necessarily expensive
Ban vaping and smoking. food should be down to the parent, but when obese parents should be made to attend parental classes or attend slimming world etc. parents should be questionable to the health of the child.
@9N8HGSF 7mos7MO
Ban vaping. Junk food is fine. We should be teaching children about intuitive eating and building healthy relationships with all foods in moderation.
Yes but only those regarding vaping. Discriminating junk food can lead to unhealthy relationships with food
Yes for sure vapes but only alongside making sure healthy foods are made just as accessible financially as junk foods.
The government should make healthy lifestyles more accessible, less expensive, better funded and more readily available
The Government should do more to publicly advertise and discourage the use of Vapes for Young People
Ban the use of vapes, or make them less accessible. Provide education for healthy eating and funding into sports opportunities
No, as long as the promotion has factual infomation and if the government has insentives for companies not to promote these products
Somewhat - vaping and/or smoking should be banned from young people. Junk food should not be banned, but healthy eating campaigns should be encouraged.
Calling yes. Food and nutrition is a different aspect of public healthcare l. making good nutrition affordable and educating young people in preparing food is key
To an extent people have their own choice to chose what they eat or inhale but do not aim at young people or children
Banning these items would only lead to young people finding other harmful habits and or finding the items another way.
Yes and increase the price through higher taxation. They should then use that to subsidise the cost of healthy foods.
Yes. And no, there should be more education for young people so they can make informed decisions. Junk food can be enjoyed when part of a balanced diet. It can also be a cheap and filling meal for those on low income and benefits.
No, but there does need to be more reliable information available on the risks involved and more stringent controls on the companies that do promote these products.
No, but they should be more heavily taxed - due to the correlation between health decline and NHS services.
Yes, but there should also be outside agents with no affiliations making sure it's fair and not excessive.
No, but put the onus on parents/guardians/carers to educate and raise their children to enable them to make informed and balanced health choices
They should do something about the cost of healthy food vs unhealthy food. It’s so much cheaper to buy a bag of doughnut's than a watermelon
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