Try the political quiz

25 Replies


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William Alexander Rankine

 @ISIDEWITHasked…4 days4D

What is your top reason why you would NOT vote for William Alexander Rankine in the 2024 Glenrothes and Mid Fife Parliamentary Election?


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John Beare


What is your top reason why you would NOT vote for John Beare in the 2024 Glenrothes and Mid Fife Parliamentary Election?

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Richard Baker


What is your top reason why you would NOT vote for Richard Baker in the 2024 Glenrothes and Mid Fife Parliamentary Election?


As it is a Scottish election I do not feel pressured to tactically vote to get the Tories out and because I believe Scotland deserved to leave the UK and I don't agree with how vague some labour policies have been