Try the political quiz

13 Replies




 @9Q4ZWRRanswered…1 day1D

 @9Q4YKV7answered…1 day1D

His stance on immigration and the tobacco generational ban personally affect me. As a Canadian immigrant, I face discrimination and incessant hurdles even though I am a tax paying good commonwealth citizen. I believe in the freedom to choose our own path and for equality.

 @9Q4TZFLanswered…1 day1D

He’s a member of the Conservative Party and disregarded all issues that matter to me in the last few years.

 @9Q4B7KMConservativeanswered…2 days2D

I am deeply concerned and angry about the Conservative's record in government over the last 14 years. It is time for change.

 @9Q4B3G2Greenanswered…2 days2D

Conservative government have consistently harmed minority populations, committed crimes and not been held accountable for the mess they have made government.

 @9Q48YMLLabouranswered…2 days2D

Because he voted to take away children's school meals, but then visits said schools like he's a hero.


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