Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @9Q69ZZ5answered…2 days2D

A government needs to represent the people voting for it, if no majority exists then a co-alition can be allow but should be voted on in a second vote.

 @9Q69ZFHanswered…2 days2D

 @9Q69LZ8 answered…2 days2D

I believe it is time for change in Europe. Le Pen’s policies will greatly help to maintain French and European culture.

 @9Q69LBVGreenfrom Texas answered…2 days2D

 @9Q6926Nanswered…2 days2D

i think we need to have a proportional elections to make it fair and allow a fair say

 @9Q68PQ2answered…2 days2D

I don't think I've ever known a government to be formed with the majority of the votes of the populationeligible to vote. Instead the majority of people don't get what they want. A reform of the entire political system would be required to find a more balanced way forward. All parts of society should be represented in the government. Not political leaders, but community leaders are needed to care for the needs and voices of all. Perhaps we still need political leaders to act on and bring together all the different voices, but we need that solid foundation first.

 @9Q68JN8answered…2 days2D

Fine as long as they have the most seats. They’ll just be at risk of struggling to pass policy