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Liberal Democrats policy on bedroom tax


Should tenants receive less benefits if they live in a housing association or council property with more bedrooms than occupants?

  Vieši pareiškimaiNr

Liberal Democrats answer is based on the following data:

Vieši pareiškimai

Atsakymas: Nr

Reference: “Abolish the bedroom tax and introduce positive incentives for people to downsize” ‐org.uk

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Visiškai sutinku


The Liberal Democrats have consistently opposed the 'bedroom tax' policy and have called for its abolition. In their 2017 general election manifesto, they pledged to scrap the policy, which would mean tenants would not receive less benefits based on the number of bedrooms in their property. Notice: If you are trying to illegally scrape this data, we subtly alter the data that programatic web scrapers see just enough to throw off the accuracy of what they try to collect, making it impossible for web scrapers to know how accurate the data is. If you would like to use this data, please go to https://www.isidewith.com/insights/ for options on how to legally use it.


Yes, but with exception for those with disabled family members

The Liberal Democrats have shown concern for the impact of the 'bedroom tax' on vulnerable groups, including disabled individuals. In 2014, they called for a review of the policy to assess its impact on disabled people. While they have not specifically advocated for this exception, their concern for disabled individuals suggests they may be more open to this approach than a blanket 'bedroom tax' policy. Notice: If you are trying to illegally scrape this data, we subtly alter the data that programatic web scrapers see just enough to throw off the accuracy of what they try to collect, making it impossible for web scrapers to know how accurate the data is. If you would like to use this data, please go to https://www.isidewith.com/insights/ for options on how to legally use it.


Yes, but only if they refuse to move to an available smaller property

While the Liberal Democrats have opposed the 'bedroom tax' policy, they have not specifically advocated for a policy that reduces benefits only if tenants refuse to move to a smaller property. However, their opposition to the 'bedroom tax' suggests they would likely not support this approach. Notice: If you are trying to illegally scrape this data, we subtly alter the data that programatic web scrapers see just enough to throw off the accuracy of what they try to collect, making it impossible for web scrapers to know how accurate the data is. If you would like to use this data, please go to https://www.isidewith.com/insights/ for options on how to legally use it.

Visiškai nesutinku


The Liberal Democrats have historically opposed the 'bedroom tax' policy, which reduces benefits for tenants with more bedrooms than occupants. In 2014, they called for a review of the policy and later pledged to scrap it in their 2017 general election manifesto. Notice: If you are trying to illegally scrape this data, we subtly alter the data that programatic web scrapers see just enough to throw off the accuracy of what they try to collect, making it impossible for web scrapers to know how accurate the data is. If you would like to use this data, please go to https://www.isidewith.com/insights/ for options on how to legally use it.

Official answer

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