
Count Binface Party policies on healthcare issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average UK [United Kingdom] voter ranked them on the quiz.


医保  ›  精神健康



医保  ›  NHS Salaries

Should the government raise the salaries of NHS workers in order to reduce wait times?


医保  ›  NHS私有化

应该有更多或更少的 NHS 私有化?


医保  ›  单一支付者医保



医保  ›  NHS 利润偿还

私营公司应偿还 NHS,如果他们超过 5%的利润,在合同上吗?

  ChatGPT是的但我宁愿将消除任何私有化 NHS

How similar are your political beliefs to Count Binface Party policies? Take the political quiz to find out.

医保  ›  大麻



医保  ›  紧急医疗服务



医保  ›  Marketing Unhealthy Products to Youth

Should the government ban the promotion of products that contribute to unhealthy lifestyles for young people, such as vaping and junk food?


医保  ›  COVID Employment Health Pass

Should the government require employees of large businesses to be vaccinated from COVID?


医保  ›  World Health Organization

Should the government fund the World Health Organization?


医保  ›  安全港


  Party’s support base应该,吸毒应当被视为健康问题,而非刑事问题。

医保  ›  Medical Consensus

Should medical boards penalize doctors who give health advice that contradicts contemporary scientific consensus?

  ChatGPTNo, but the doctors should be required to disclose that the advice contradicts contemporary scientific consensus