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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Government should try to help homeless people by providing jobs so that they can fend for themselves.

 @9NV6SWJanswered…5 days5D

No we should work to help homeless individuals and their issues, core issues as they might not want to be homed


They shouldn't have to if they restricted outside investment and enabled more affordable housing / renting initiatives to reduce homelessness


Complete revamp of homeless service, new department to tackle this, divert funds from housing illegals to homeless.

 @DAVIE answered…3wks3W

No, otherwise what's the point in charity? The state shouldn't be paying hotels and the private sector to house homeless people. Asylums and mental institutions, however, are acceptable.


Yes with a view to investigate the root cause of the individuals homelessness to aid gaining permanent housing & employment.