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I dont like the idea of using AI in defence and/or offensive capabilities, but conflicts and other countries will end up using this technology and the UK should not fall behind

 @9NXJ83Yanswered…4 days4D

On a case by case basis and only if there is strong evidence that this is the only solution. We should invest more in people and the infrastructure to support more people to be employed instead of relying too heavily on AI which is taking over human jobs

 @9NXDVX3answered…4 days4D

AI is a way forward and can do lots of very clever things But humans must be able to make decisions using all avenues not be just reliant on an algorithm. If this had been the case in 50 we would now be in an atomic desert now as soldiers ignored the computers and did what a human thought was right. Not to hit the button... Could though go the other way so you need technology just need some checks and balances in place

 @9NX2LDManswered…4 days4D

Yes however, we must also focus on teaching the population how to stay safe - treat things at the core of the issues and not just invest on how to investigate things faster after the incident has taken place. We cannot raise generations to become too dependent on Ai provisions but should also be developed if a case calls for it - it can then offer the best help.

 @9NWQMPFanswered…4 days4D

It depends on how it's being utilised. Generative AI is not a positive thing but AI can be used in so many different ways that this question feels too broad

 @9NWN8TNanswered…4 days4D

In terms of military application, no, but in terms of defending our infrastructure from cyber attack, yes.

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