Foreign Policy › Human Rights Act
Should the UK abolish the Human Rights Act?
Agree |
★SS>SS Your answerNo |
Disagree |
DisagreeYes, replace it with a bill of rights that gives the UK more legislative control |
British disagreeYes |
Foreign Policy › European Union
Do you agree with the UK’s Brexit decision to withdraw from the European Union?
Agree |
★SS>SS Your answerNo |
Disagree |
Libertarian disagreeYes, but maintain free trade agreements with EU nations |
DisagreeYes |
Healthcare › NHS Privatisation
Should there be more or less privatisation of the NHS?
Agree |
★SS>SS Your answerLess |
Similar answerLess, and nationalise all health services |
Disagree |
DisagreeMore, but only where it can increase quality while reducing costs |
the Economy › Minimum Wage
Should the government raise the national minimum wage?
Agree |
★ Your answerYes |
SS>SS Similar answerYes, and adjust it every year according to inflation |
Similar answerYes, and make it a living wage |
Disagree |
British disagreeNo, most minimum wage jobs are meant to develop experience, not support a family |
Reform disagreeNo, this will only cause prices to increase in a never ending cycle |
Libertarian disagreeNo, and eliminate all wage standards |
Domestic Policy › Government Surveillance
Should the government be able to monitor phone calls and emails?
Agree |
★ Your answerNo |
SS>SS Similar answerNo, and enact legislation preventing government surveillance of citizen communications |
Disagree |
DisagreeYes, but only by court order |
DisagreeYes, this is necessary to combat terrorism |
Conservatives disagreeYes |
the Economy › Tax Evasion
Should the government prosecute people who avoid paying taxes by hiding money in foreign bank accounts?
Agree |
★SS>SS Your answerYes |
Conservatives’ similar answerYes, we should strongly disincentivise those who move money out of the country |
Similar answerYes, and fine them double the amount they avoided paying |
Disagree |
DisagreeNo, only in cases of evading not avoidance |
Domestic Policy › Drug Policy
Are you in favour of decriminalising drug use?
Agree |
★ Your answerYes |
Volt’s similar answerYes, for personal use, so that police resources can be allocated towards targeting drug smugglers and gangs instead of individual use |
SS>SS Similar answerYes, and retroactively reduce sentences for those already serving time |
Libertarian’s similar answerYes, for most but not all drugs |
Disagree |
DisagreeNo, but increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation |
Conservatives disagreeNo, we should pass tougher drug laws |
DisagreeNo |
Reform disagreeNo, and increase punishment for drug dealers |
Elections › Right of Foreigners to Vote
Should foreigners, currently residing in the United Kingdom, have the right to vote?
Agree |
★ Your answerYes |
SS>SS Similar answerYes, anyone who pays taxes should have the right to vote |
Workers Party of Britain’s similar answerYes, but only after living in the country for 10 years |
Similar answerYes, but only if they are European Union citizens |
Disagree |
DisagreeNo, only legal citizens should be allowed to vote |
British disagreeNo |
Healthcare › Emergency Medical Care
Should foreign visitors have to pay for emergency medical treatment during their stay in the UK?
Agree |
★ Your answerNo |
SS>SS Similar answerNo, emergency care should not be denied to those cannot afford it |
Disagree |
DisagreeYes, but only those outside of the EU |
DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, and require visitors to show proof of insurance before entering the UK |
Domestic Policy › British Monarchy
Should the British Monarchy be abolished?
Agree |
★SS>SS Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, but gradually phased out over time |
Disagree |
DisagreeNo |
DisagreeNo, but they should be self funded and pay taxes |
DisagreeNo, they are a positive influence on tourism, charity, and international relations |
Sinn disagreeNo stance; party believes in independence from the United Kingdom. |
Education › Grammar Schools
Would you support the return of a selective education system and the reintroduction of grammar schools?
Agree |
★SS>SS Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, focus on improving current standards instead |
Disagree |
DisagreeYes |
Elections › Minimum Voting Age
Should the minimum voting age be lowered?
Agree |
★SS>SS Your answerYes |
Libertarian’s similar answerYes, any citizen that pays taxes should be allowed to vote |
Disagree |
DisagreeNo |
Social › LGBT Adoption Rights
Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?
Agree |
★SS>SS Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples |
Disagree |
British disagreeNo, and adoption agencies should prioritize offering children to straight couples before offering to gay couples |
DisagreeNo, and I believe a mother and father family structure is best for the child |
Immigration › Muslim Immigrant Ban
Should Muslim immigrants be banned from entering the country until the government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists?
Agree |
★SS>SS Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional |
Social’s political party support base similar answerNo, but we should ban immigrants from “high risk” countries |
Disagree |
British disagreeYes, and ban all immigration until the government improves its screening process |
UK disagreeYes, until terrorist attacks decrease |
Immigration › Deportation of Suspected Terrorists
Should the UK deport immigrants who are considered to be promoting terrorism?
Agree |
★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, but only if their human rights will be respected by the country they are deported to |
Disagree |
SS>SS DisagreeNo |
DisagreeNo, the definition of terrorism is too broad |
Green disagreeNo, foreigners should have the same free speech rights as citizens |