5 U.S. states have passed laws requiring welfare recipients to be tested for drugs. The UK does not currently test welfare recipients for drugs. Proponents argue that testing will prevent public funds from being used to subsidize drugs habits and help get treatment for those that are addicted to drugs. Opponents argue that it is a waste of money since the tests will cost more money than they save.
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No, only if they have a criminal history related to drug abuse. If they do and they are using they should be provided with a government backed rehabilitation program.
Yes but Only if there is reason to suspect them of drug use and anyone testing positive should be provided treatment.
No, because drugs should be legalised and that it would make it unfair to those who medically need drugs
Only if this is problematic and provide treatment for those testing positive. Also expand testing to politicians and corporate heads!
Yes but provide treatment for those who tested positive. If they do not follow the programme and repeatedly test positive more than a certain amount of time, the benefits should be removed. They have the right to appeal but must first show proof that they have been clean for a certain number of time
Yes, but provide treatment for those testing positive Give everyone one chance everyone deserves it if they don’t take it then essentially they are a burden
No..its infringing on rights and choice for those with mental capacity even if I don't agree with drugs
Yes - for people on a methadone. Too many heroin addicts are abusing the methadone program and still using heroin and/or other drugs.
Benefits should be paid but enhanced benefits paid to those testing negative and successfully engaging with treatment programmes
Yes, but only where there is a reasonable belief that a benefit claimant is unable to find work because of drugs.
all UK inhabitants should be tested for drugs - would i want my doctor/teacher/someone in authority to be under the influence of drugs and more than someone else - NO
@Joshuawillow90Green 7mos7MO
Yes test everyone but only test for drugs not been prescribed to them,provide treatment to people struggling to cope substance abuse.
@9MYXHM9Count Binface7mos7MO
No, this is further damaging the most vulnerable in society. Their welfare should remain the same and they should be offered more help
No, and all drugs should be legalised, and all drug markets should be unregulated to facilitate for higher standards and increased safety
Yes, and terminate benefits for anyone testing positive non prescription drugs (for eg, methadone exempt)
Only if their is evidence of criminality or drug addiction, and if positive they should be provided with free treatment
I think that welfare should be done with vouchers instead of money so they are spent on things actually needed instead of drugs or alcohol.
No, only if they’re prescribed methadone or other rehabilitation drugs/therapy etc. or criminal history. ie common sense.
Yes, but only so people can be more easily identified for support and treatment. Benefits should continue regardless
No because nobody takes drugs for no reason. Right or wrong - people end up on drugs to cope with one thing or another and get addicted, which isn't in their control. Instead, they should be offered safer places and help.
Replace the welfare system with vouchers for basic goods to ensure that they do not spend money on drugs.
Welfare recipients should not receive money but goods or vouchers for healthy lifestyle making it more difficult for them to spend welfare on drugs or other non essential items
Only if they have a history in the recent past and this should be done for everyone who meets that requirement
Decriminalise drugs and offer support to those who are using drugs. They should not have their benefits restricted or be penalised. They should have safe clinics ran by the NHS to support them to use substances safely and have a place where they can be supported to reduce/stop their drug use.
@9Q3MMBDPlaid Cymru6mos6MO
I hadn’t even thought about this, in principle if support is available then I have no problems however if it’s used as a method to test means No!
I think it should be a requirement for all politicians and royal family members receiving government money and should be required for anyone on benefits that has a history of drug use and anyone testing positive should he provided treatment and support, not treated as a criminal
Dependency on class A should be given a reducer course not just a stabilizer so they can sell their methadone
No, only if they have a history of drug abuse and should be offered help or treatment to get them off drugs.
Test known drug addicts and cut benefits if they continue testing positive for drugs
It could be a good idea but who by?
Only if the recipient is currently in rehab and this shouldnt lead to termination but mental health help for the individual
yes, but it should be done on everyone getting money from the government, politicians included and anyone who tests positive should be offered help.
No, should not be compulsory but all welfare beneficiaries should have access to one round free rehab and ongoing support to get back into work and off benefits
If they have had reports of antisocial behave in the past or have broken the law before.
Why? This sounds like big brother
Yes, but provide treatment for those testing positive who choose treatment or not
No, unless it's only to provide help as there is a strong correlation between the least economically privileged and needing help for addiction
There should be no welfare recipients. So the questions is NA.
Yes but only if they have a criminal history related to drug use and provide services to end addiction if this is the case
No. Only if they have a criminal history related to drug abuse, and then, provide them with treatment if they test positive.
Welfare should be for disability, not poor choices.
Yes, if they have a history of drug use. However we should offer treatment if they test positive.
Yes they should be tested but they should be deducted money and if they continue or refuse regular checks they should terminate their money.
yes, but only terminate benefits for those testing positive of using class As
Yes, test anyone receiving money from the government including employees and politicians but provide treatment for those testing positive
No mandatory testing unless they have a criminal history related to drug abuse that is harmful and detrimental for the individual, including legal substance abuses such as alcohol, with help offered in coming over these problems.
No, in the case that the system is reformed so that it supplements, rather than replaces, a working income
Decriminalise all drugs like portugal
Yes, if they have a history related to drug usage
Only if politicians are also drug tested.
The system would stay the same, unless a petition was successful in putting such a question to the people via Liquid Democracy
Only if they are suspected of taking drugs by the social support and community workers around them, not simply because they are claiming benefits.
Only if there is moderate proof that this is occurring
No but a program should be offered to help anyone overcome an addiction
No, so long as their behaviour does not endanger any dependants.
No, test the government instead
No, but all people, regardless of income, should be given full and free support to wean themselves off drugs.
No, and decriminalise recreational drug use
If you’re going to test then you test everyone with a view to offering support. Otherwise it’s discrimination.
Yes, only if they have a criminal history related to drug use -- terminate benefits immediately if positive.
Welfare should provide vouchers to be spent on food, bills, clothing etc.. and not free to be spent as the parents choose on their own habits and not on the children. Also if you can afford expensive luxury items then you are being paid too much welfare, people who work can't afford luxury items
Yes, but if positive a rehabilitation service should be offered.
Yes and if they test positive they must go through treatment to continue getting welfare. Test all government workers including health practitioners and public service workers like police. if they test positive the are offered treatment. if they refused or fail then their job is terminated.
Yes, test anyone receiving money from the government including employees and politicians but provide treatments and support for those testing positive.
Yes and no - yes but voluntarily so that people can receive the help that they need, but also no as I don’t believe people should be discriminated against in this way.
First investigate potential abusers, test and offer support and treatment in order for them to receive welfare
It should be optional for recipients and of theybtest positive, they are offered assistance with managing their drug habits/ quiting. Their benefits should be unaffected.
Provide help for those who test positive and terminate benefits for those who refuse treatment.
Drug addicts are burden to society.There should be no welfare system as it promotes laziness.
Yes, test everyone receiving money from the government including politicians and give help to those who test positive.
Only if they have children
No, drug users or addicts and their children deserve to eat
Yes and immediately reduce benefits and refer them to a rehabilitation programme, benefits should remain reduced until the programme deems them clean.
yes, however only if it something that affects their performance and renders their welfare payments useless should it be enacted on
No, some people on benefits are not people who are mentally unwell so it would punish people who dont take drugs
No, this makes an assumption that low income / not income citizen's are drug useres. This is often not the cae
No and decriminalise all recreational drugs
No, it would only encourage them to commit crimes such as robbery or drug dealing to pay for their living costs, as they know they wouldn’t be able to receive welfare if they get tested for drugs
No, only if they have a criminal history related to drug abuse - if they are tested positive for drugs then they must undergo rehabilitation and must undergo future drugs testing to stay on benefits for the rest of their lives - if rehabilitation is rejected (or future tests prove positive) then their claim is rejected also. Britain will be very firm, but provide a fair opportunity to unemployed drug addicts.
No only if they have a history of it and if it is positive, treatment should be provided
Yes, stop the welfare of those testing positive for a month and send them to rehabilitation
Yes, terminate the benefits of those that do test positive, send them off to get treatment, and after a few negative tests, reevaluate what benefits they receive.
Yes, test anyone receiving money from the government and provide treatment to those who are positive
Yes but only for hardcore drunks (not Cannibis ect)
Yes if they have a criminal history of drug use
No. Drugs should be legal but regulated . Tax raised of them also take the power out of criminals lower the price so people don't have to steal for them but like alcohol offer help . Also most are law abiding but it's just there vice like drink and cigs. And they should not be demonized .
No test them on criminals instead.
Only if every MP that votes for it agrees to the same testing for the duration of their elected career. They all live off public money and should all be treated equally.
No, because drug addiction is a health issue and a disability. And an addict already can't sustain an addiction on benefits, which is why they commit crimes to make more money.
Yes, but only a randomized number of claimants, who should be breathalysed and drug tested when they attend their next appointment without early notice, and all welfare claimants agree at application to consent to this testing if randomly selected to be eligible for state benefits, and lose their claim and cannot apply again for a period if they refuse or fail their tests.
@948C72CLiberal Democrat2yrs2Y
rather than testing for drugs, simply introduce more stringent criteria for obtaining benefits in the first place.
No mandatory testing unless they have a criminal history related to drug abuse that is harmful and detrimental for the individual, including legal substance abuses such as alcohol.
No, this demonises the working class.
Only if there's a legitimate reason to believe it's necessary
No, because this just stigmatises those who are less well off. People who are very well off who use drugs don’t get this kind of treatment, so why should welfare recipients?
Yes, provide treatment - but if recipients fail to get off of the drugs after a certain period of time then their benefits will cease. The Government will be firm, but fair.
Yes, but only for those claiming benefits where they are expected to be looking for work. If positive, they should have to attend support and treatment program, then sanctioned for non-compliance. Should not be allowed to claim disability benefits for drug abuse related health conditions.
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