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This would only be ‘box ticking’. The real route of misogyny in the workplace must be tackled, which would then see a natural progression towards more women in senior roles


Yes, and it should be 50/50 between men and woman, but small companies below a certain size should be exempt.


No. The appointment process should be solely based on capability, not on gender, race, sexual orientation etc.

 @945K7TRLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

Effort should be taken for an equal opportunities work environment. However, the best person for the job should not be curtailed by gender based requirements.

 @93YSV49Liberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but more should be done to erase patriarchal structure from it's roots. Encouraging children into roles that have typically been male roles etc.


Women on the board should be elected based on merit, but there should at least be SOME gender diversity within the board, and there should not be a single woman.


No, but the government should do more to ensure women are just as qualified as men



Yes to more diversity in the workplace but it should also be for those most qualified regardless of gender.


the most qualified should be selected but diversity should be increased


Yes, it can be encouraged, but not forced, although the government should do a lot more to promote diversity. Board members should be the most qualified regardless of gender


No, but companies that do not have women on their board of directors should be questioned as to why.


No however there should be employer laws which forbid the approval or rejection of an employee based on gender

 @9QGNT22Women's Equalityanswered…2mos2MO

No tokenism, but there needs to be diversity of thought at the top. Women should be supported to reach the top, not placed there just to fill a quota.


The best people should have the right to the job regardless of gender. The way in which people are recruited should be fairer and not reserved for the privileged.


Whilst I would like to see more diversity in businesses and in other areas, I'm not certain that this is the best solution. This feels like a short-sighted fix to what is a more nuanced and complicated issue, and I think that it requires solutions that reflect this.


yes until the company constantly l and consistently demonstrates equity, inclusion and diversity across all areas of operation.


Principal of meritocracy should be upheld, but then the consideration of diversity should then be made so we can broaden our worldviews and thought leadership


No, but workplaces should institute policies to ensure that women can flourish and achieve the highest level of leadership


The most qualified should work on the board. However, I would choose this option with more confidence if I felt that women got the same opportunities to gain the required qualifications, and people’s consideration for jobs in power.


I believe in term of gender equality there is a long way to go, so having an increase in job roles for women to have need to be in place. However, I do not think it is fair that able, qualified men should be denied a job if they are more suitable.


The board should consist of those most qualified. Equal opportunities to both women and men, based on skill not gender.


I think it should be up to the company to not be discriminative of who’s on their board of directors based on gender.


Yes but they should be slected on merit and skill predominantly, no woman should have a hollow role they should be wanted and needed.


Yes, with an exception only if the business can prove beyond reasonable doubt that there are no suitable female candidates available to hire.


An increase in gender diversity among high earners is meaningless. Inequality between high and low earners needs to be reduced.


More steps should be put in place to anonymise recruitment to ensure no as little unconscious bias as possible within recruitment.


This should not be a requirement but the norm, I do not want to be a tick in the box. Perhaps requirement will lead to this becoming the norm, but I would want to hired off of merit not necessity for my gender.


It should be the person most or best suited to the role, but we should do more to encourage equity in the workplace, regardless of gender.

 @9QRN99GLiberal Democratanswered…2mos2MO

No, but it should be allowed to have women on company's board of directors and recommended to have women so that there is more diversity.


Yes, but only because business owners are inherently biased and so cannot fairly hire in a meritocratic fashion


(As a woman who works in employment law) - No. This is straight up 'positive discrimination'. Any female on the board will end up being appointed because they have to be. Forced diversity is not diversity. I'd rather there be more support and opportunities for females, right from school age, to be able to have the same opportunities in their life, and then be appointed to more board of directors based on merit more than as a requirement. There's also the worry for companies, particularly smaller ones, where there may not be any females interested in the company. What about…  Read more

 @9QQRH37 answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but qualifications and whether they are truly right for the job need to be taken into consideration


Ideally yes, but it a role should not just be given to a woman because she is a woman - she should still be capable of the role and deserve it.


Yes, but not with tokenistic appointments of positions, should earn positions in the same way as men and not treated any differently


If the person is good enough. We shouldn’t have to ask the question. It is who is the best person for the job!!


Board members should be most qualified BUT this is dependent on creating equal opportunities (education and career) for women


No, it should not be mandated, but companies should want to have varied and qualified boards running them.


Yes, If they’re qualified for the role. Same as men. They should get the job on there ability not sex

 @9PR65VDfrom California answered…3mos3MO

There should be more diversity within the workplace in order to choose the best fit candidate or individual that will properly represent and advocate for those in a company rather than exploit them. Even candidates with a diverse background can exploit or discriminate in the workplace

 @9PP77SKWomen's Equalityanswered…3mos3MO

No, but more should be done to increase the likelihood that women will get the job on merit eg encouraging young girls to aspire to the job and increasing paternity leave so more women have time and resource to succeed


Yes, but until society sees everyone equal regardless of race, ethnicity and gender. Then meritocracy should be able to work.


This is a silly question. Laws should be in place to enable progression into these roles, not just place women in there for the sake of tokenism.


While it should be the most qualified, it does raise a couple questions when it is only men / no women.


No, but businesses that do not meet the threshold for number of women on their board should be subject to an audit of their hiring practices.


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