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274 Replies

 @58RBLMZfrom Belfast answered…3yrs3Y

Gay couples must be married for at least 5 years before they can adopt.


 @58F6N9Rfrom Lincolnshire answered…3yrs3Y

Allow children of 15+ to be adopted by same sex couples so they are brought up by straight couples


If both same sex parents are loving, kind decent people it should not matter what sexual preferences they have. It does not matter whether the parents are a heterosexual or a gay couple. As long as the children are brought up in a safe, loving and nurturing environment.

I also believe children brought up with same sex parents will be have more awareness of the LGBT community and have a better understanding growing up.


Not everyone should have rights to adopt. Gay or not they should have to complete a certain eligibility scheme. But yes gay people should be able to adopt


They should have more rights due to the fact that they don’t have the option to have children together.


Yes, but I do believe a mother and father family structure is more beneficial



Yes but They should have more background checks due to statistically higher rate of child abuse


Yes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples

This is simply not true


If might be awkward for the child to have two dads as every child should have a motherly figure i their lives but gay couples deserve adoption rights since they can't a child themselves.


Yes but straight couples should be prioritised in order to offer a more all-encompassing upbringing


If they can prove the child will not be influenced in anyway and have the same chances of self growth as any other child then yes.

 @9LWLQG4answered…3 days3D

Gay couples should have the right to adopt, however I don't agree with surrogacy for gay couples - they should help society by adopting a child already naturally born

 @9LT5R99answered…5 days5D

This is a tough question. I am all for same sex marriage etc but I think a child would have no control over how they are perceived by other people / children and could result in bullying etc.

 @9LRGHYS answered…7 days7D

Priority should be given to a mother and father structure, over a gay couple. But a gay couple should have priority over a single parent.

 @9LNDMJ6from Vaduz answered…2wks2W

Why rob the orphan the chance of a better life? Regardless of their parents, children should have a chance of a better life as many parents are terrible at parenting and shouldn't have had kids in the first place.


Depends because a lot of children may feel when they are older would of rather had mum and dad adopt them mainly I would say adopt girls because they would care less than boys

 @9KWKJVCBritish Nationalanswered…2mos2MO

yes while there young but once they reach the age of 12 they should have a choice themselves on the type of household they grow up in


I belive they should if they have a role model frome the opsit sex of the parents to help race the child.

 @9KTMQYCfrom Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

Yes, and adoption agencies should prioritize the health and well being of children therefore straight 2 parent households should be 1st.

 @9KSXJKFPlaid Cymruanswered…2mos2MO

Gay fatherhood seems to be the preserve of wealthy gay. Wealthy gay parents should subsidise the cost of poor gays’ parenthood.


I believe a man and a women is needed to raise a family but it doesn’t mean a gay couple can’t do a good job


No. Absolutely not. A child most definitely needs a male and a female in their life to grow up as wholesome individuals.


they should be able to but they should have some on of the opsit sex in the childs lives so they ternt out as a fuctional english citzen

 @9LDDNWB answered…3wks3W

Yes but the child should have a say as I believe a mother and father family structure is best for the child

 @9LCFNLBfrom Maine answered…4wks4W

The stigma around homosexuality must be reduced before those couples can adopt. things such as bullying in school could potentially by very harsh for children adopted by a homosexual couple


yes, if they should respect the child's religion and raise them the way their past family would want them to.


what question is this? all people should be able to adopt unless they are criminals that could be violent


Yes, we need more parents for all the children waiting to be adopted. But there is psychological research to suggest heterosexual parents are 'better' for children but I cannot say that is conclusively true and either way, better 2 gay parents than no parents.


only if they find themselves happy and stable enough to raise a child because it can lead to wrong upbringings


Yes but they should prioritise offering children to straight couples before offering to gay couples.


I generally believe that a mother and father family structure is best for a child, assuming they are commited and present parents. However, these criteria aren't always met and so I undoubtedly believe that there will be same sex couples able to do a better job. I therefore believe that gay sex couples should have the same rights as same sex couples as far as I can tell.

Trans couples on the other hand I am unsure of as a proportion tend to have an influence on the child regarding their own sex and with the current laws on hormonal therapies for young children, I think it best for the children to not be put in that position.


Yes, however I believe that gay couples should be able to prove they are able to give a relatively similar upbringing and teach their children the same lessons that a straight couple would be able to provide


Only if they have the support of opposite sex friends and families in raising the child


As long as 2 female adopting a male have a male influence that the child can turn too and the same with to males adopting a female


they must pass the same background checks, then it is down to the child if they feel comfortable being adopted.


Yes, gay couples are no less able to provide a loving family for their children based off of the arbitrary basis of gender


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