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I think they should be checked by an authority but only made public if there is a reason such as business interests, expenses etc

 @B3H865QReform UKanswered…6 days6D

No I would respect them more if they were more open but they shouldn't have to. Every one should have to have a public audit every year they are in office though.


Yes, only if they are involved in a publicly concerned case, where it would be extremely vital to show it to the public


All political candidates should be audited whilst in office to make sure they are not manipulating the system or passing laws to benefit themselves in any way, but it should not need to be made public unless they are found guilty of defrauding the system and people who put their trust in them.


No, but they should be subject to private audit by an independent body, and if deemed necessary, they can release them to the public


No, but there should be private audits carried out by a non government funded private body which can call for a public audit if deemed necessary

 @9ZNV5QHLibertarian  from Maine  answered…3mos3MO

They should be reported to a non-government, independent body that checks through them to increase transparency


No, and only require them to release their tax returns to all the other MPs, Lords in the Houses of Parliament and the media for scrutiny


No but they should be transparent as to who pays them outside of their job and their main job should be the highest proportion of their taxable pay

 @9PWDD5L answered…8mos8MO

No but they should be audited by independent organisations and disclosed if the tax paid is below a certain threshold



I believe in the legalisation of moving money, so long as customs are specific and the country is open to the destination of the monetary movement.


Yes, if someone seeks public office and faces inherent conflicts of interest, they should absolutely be required to release their tax returns. It's no secret that politicians are often influenced by business interests, as they are frequently wined and dined by corporations seeking to push specific policies. By releasing their tax returns, the public can scrutinize their **financial ties** and ensure there are no hidden agendas or undue influence. This level of transparency would go a long way in reducing corruption and cronyism, as it would expose potential conflicts and discourage politicians from engaging in unethical financial behavior.

 @9QR9RBSReform UKanswered…8mos8MO

Yes, and require to release their medical records as well as a public audit each year they are in office


Yes, to prevent fraud and personal gain, as well as a yearly medical exam to ensure they are capable of being in office


They should probably be required to have them scrutinised by their party, or (for independent candidates) someone else - maybe a central govt department.


No they shouldn't be allowed to release their tax info but shouldnt be giving them selves benifits


No, they should not be required to do so (where would this requirement stop?), but they should be encouraged. While it does not in principle affect their ability to perform public service, it will ensure that it is clear when they are conflicted or compromised.


No, but implement stricter laws on what expenses can be used for. Political lifestyles should not be so extravagant.


There should be more effort to reduce corruption, MPs should not be allowed more than a certain % of income from sources other than their MP salary.


Serving politicians should have their tax returns scrutinized by an independent panel instead of the public and there should be more stringent rules about conflicts of interest within their lives.


No, but there should be tighter and better systems to avoid tax evasion, loop holes and miss use of the tax system in 1st place


I think it should be clarified that they haven’t got a history of black money and paid taxes properly like everyone else.


Yes, and every year they are in office. Also, they should have at least 5 years of accounts audited to get onto the ballet.

 @9LWCGYZ answered…10mos10MO

They should be encouraged to, and I would respect them more if they did, but they should be under no obligation to do so.


No their income has nothing to do with us but there should be harsher punishments on those that abuse the system


Yes, however in an abridged format to show what percentage of their financial position is classified as employment income vs investment/business net turnover, thereby allowing for public discourse regarding tax compliance vs tax avoidance and/or evasion. Any person holding an official public political position should be held to strict account if they potentially influence the course of law and fiscal decision making of the country.


i mean taxation loophole exploitation needs to be for EVERYONE not just for the rich. again lower taxes increase freedoms higher taxes do not taxation doesn't fund anything

 @9KSYJBGLiberal Democratanswered…12mos12MO

Legislation where if asked or enquiry of tax returns they should be obliged to release the information


Yes, but only for selected and major reasons, not for private or potentially embarrassing purchases- there should be people checking their returns though but in private unless publicity was required.


I think they should be held accountable if they’re doing the wrong thing but it is technically private

 @9K3RRFSLiberal Democratanswered…1yr1Y

Yes, it is vital for a country to thrive together and trust their leaders,this way they will be more understanding and respect authority more thus reducing crime rate and increase satisfaction on a National level


Yes, and require a public audit each year they are in office, failure and strict legal actions, fines and removal from position never to be able to back.


it would make them more accountable but it shouldn't affect their ability to do their job, unless they are deliberately misleading the public and especially if they have any financial responsibilities in their role.


Should be audited by a private independent parliamentary commission yearly for any wrong doings but otherwise the tax returns should remain private.


No they shouldn’t be revealed to the public yet should be fair with the rest of the nation and approved of that.


There should be a system in place that recognises whether a politician has been bought or paid to implement laws that only benefit the extremely wealthy.


We should just know if they are paying taxes as they should but not the exact amount as there money is private.


They should only have to be obligated to show their tax returns and ins and outs if there is proof it is fraud. They and their close members, donators , beneficiaries, should be regularly monitored.


Yes, they should also release medical records, and require public audits alongside passing a competency test.


No, unless they receive large sums off money and it’s not clearly explained they should be encouraged to voluntarily show tact return, but should be frowned upon to release or force a candidate to release without credible reason, and remind government officials or whistleblowers have the right to leak them but will likely face prosecution.

Case by case basis and use common sense


Transparency is good. When individuals select to have a career in politics they should sign a declaration to allow they’re taxes to be made available eon request (random selection)


I think that they should be audited before being allowed to run but I don't think the public is required to know the specifics


Yes, if the tax returns are relevant to how they're spending government funds/claiming tax payers money


They should be reviewed by an unbiased party that ensures both psychologically and morally they are not unfit to lead


Yes, and I believe that if you are prime minister you should not earn money whilst you hold the position it should be an honour and privilege to lead the country. Potentially I would agree for them to earn national minimum wage.


That’s personal information and if they make it known, their information is exposed


No, It shouldn't be shared but their families tax returns should be monitored to prevent scoundles.


No, but there should be an independent non bias review of candidates which includes tax returns.


no but their taxes should be monitored by the appropriate people to ensure they are paying them accordingly


Yes, and they should be subject to an annual audit, prevented from voting on bills in which they have a vested interest. Their records should be made public as a part of the ballot registration process.


No but they should be required a public audit each year they are in office, with the spending records readily available to the public.


Yes, with a public audit every two years. More often uses more resources than necessary


Sending recent tax returns to the Office for Budget Responsibility should be mandatory and releasing them to the public should be voluntary (although I would respect them more if they did)


No but if they are dodging taxes then they should expect to be punished in the same way we would be.


Yes, everyone’s tax return should be made public and there should be nowhere to hide.


Yes, and they should have to release their medical records, and be required to undertake an audit each year they are in office.


Yes we want our MPs to have integrity and not con the system they are meant to uphold


It shouldn’t be required, but I view the candidate who do, do it, as much more trust worthy.



Yes (to ensure they haven’t done anything fraudulent) but not medical records


No, but if their policies on taxes contrast to their tax activity, then yes. So essentially if they have any drastic policy changes.


 @rcm2020Liberal Democratanswered…4yrs4Y

Their tax payments should be checked by higher authority especially if suspected of wrong doing but not released to the public due to safety issues.


Yes and require public auditing of themselves and family for the rest of their lives.


No, unless they are the leader of a major political party and therefore a candidate for Prime Minister


No, but they still pay taxes and there should be more government transparency


I don’t think it should be released to the public but an independent body to review them


Democracy as a whole is a flawed system and at times a one party state or ruler is better.

 @9CBM4JDLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

It depends on what level of political candidate you mean - MPs and above - yes. Council candidates - no.


All political members should all be on the same salary and should have to declare their benefits they get from the job.



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