Should it be illegal to burn the UK flag?
Flag desecration is any act that is carried out with the intention of damaging or destroying a national flag in public. This is commonly done in an effort to make a political statement against a nation or its policies. Some nations have acts that ban flag desecration while others have laws that protect the right to destroy a flag as a part of free speech. Some of these laws distinguish between a national flag and those of other countries.
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No, but we should investigate those who do burn it to determine whether or not they have any criminal intent.
Yes, but only the UK-associated flags not foreign flags and the penalty should be a fine not imprisonment
Yes. However only if it is done in a public place. If it is an individual or small number of people it should be met with a dispersal order and treated as anti social behaviour. If done as a large group or protest it should be considered the same as a threat of violence.
Yes, it’s dangerous, environmentally unfriendly and makes us look like a 3rd world country where mobs are always burning flags.
No, I don’t respect or approve of the action of anyone who does but they should have the right to do so
If a person whilst on the soil of any given county, commits the act of burning a flag that represents that country, in a public area, I think they should be charged with a summary offence. If the same act is carried out on private property, whilst distasteful, it should not be an offence.
If it is the personal property of the person, they can dispose of it how they choose. Artistic work may include demonstrations or depictions of this activity also. We should reserve the status of criminal actions for those behaviours that directly assault a person's life, property or wellbeing.
Gaza’s flag is always getting destroyed but it’s Israel’s, it’s called terrorism. British flag or not, equality should be everywhere
Not the UK flag specifically but burning items is polluting so in that sense it should be illegal to burn waste.
We should be focusing more on the earth as a whole rather than nationalism but if it is done as personal attack that’s not ok.
No, it's just an expression of discontent. It's not that serious, it's like a rant on social media in modern days...
Why is this even a question!!! Why are people even allowed to do that. Yes it should be illegal im appalled people get away with this what has happened to the uk
It depends why they are burning it, it if's damaged and they are having a bonfire to clear old and broken property, fair enough, if it's a political statement then no they shouldn't do it.
Any flag should be allowed to be burned, however if violence is being promoted they can face criminal charges
@9FXCWMW 1yr1Y
No it shoudn't however there should be a penalty for burning another country's flag, doesn't have to be imprisonment - a hefty fine or a ban on something could do
No but the person behind it should be looked into for sure. What are their intents. If they hate it so muchyoud incite trouble then leave.
Only if a flag of another country that is an authoritarian regime gets burned at the same time in the same place
Yes, but only illegal to burn the English flag
No, as it’s an arbitrary piece of cloth. However, as a society we should study why people are enacting upon such behaviours, e.g. role in international warfare and predatory low wages, and act upon such issues.
No but it is disrespectful and shows contempt fo any nation. Maybe a community education or order to teach respect not to spread hate.
No, a ban will encourage defiance against it. I mean seriously, how many flags have you actually seen being burnt in this country
The UK should be reformed as the Confederate States of Britain, and the monarchy should be abolished in favour of a presidency, thus there would be no need for a United Kingdom as there would be no king.
Yes, the flag represents the ideals a nation strives towards and the common pursuit of those ideals, not the government or the present state of the nation.
Yes if it is a part of a public memorial.
It Should Be disposed of by being burnt as this is the correct way of sending off a flag no longer in use.
Depends on why they do it, if there is a breach of human rights than yes but if for if there is no reason then no
No, but not a pressing issue for society.
No - flag burning is a valid and historical act of political protest
Yes, but only if the flag is on a war memorial
@92S3B7WLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
People can do whatever they want to any flag they want.
Burning a flag (Ireland) can be used as a effective form of protest but certain times it can be used as a flagship for hatred. eg. 12/06 bonfires
Yes, but only if done in support for terrorism or fascism
Yes, and the penalty should be 10 Years imprisonment Without Trial or Appeal.
No, so long as it is on private property, or in an organised, peaceful anti-government protest. Otherwise, it is a sign that you wish to burn the key principals of UK freedom.
I couldn't care less about the UK Flag as I am Scottish and republican. However we should have respect for all nations flags.
I believe those who burn our flag should be executed for treasonous acts, and it will be seen as a crime against our country.
Yes, but people should be told to give a public opinion of how they feel about the country to help make it better.
Yes, and there should be legal consequences for doing so.
Shouldn't be illegal, but if intentional it should be illegal.
Well, it's the individuals choice, as it's their country as well as the government's one.
It should be frowned upon
Things would currently stay as they are, unless a petition was successful in getting a vote via Liquid Democracy.
No, but not ones on memorials
yes but not a jail time offence
Well, yes for those countries within the UK that want to be independent from the UK and no for those who want to live in the UK.
@8THR3TPLiberal Democrat4yrs4Y
Yes, but only if they don't believe in the UK as much, but no for those who should remain in the UK, yes for those who don't believe in staying in the UK, but want to be independent from the UK.
Yes and no, burning the flag is wrong and is often used in anti establishment protests,but at the same time it's a form of protest showing that people don't fully identify with the country they live in showing change needs to occur
It's just a piece of cloth.
Yes but the public need the right of free speech.
The burning of a nations flag is an act of true disrespect and defiance. The burning of ANY nations flag should most certainly be made illegal.
its a flag at the end of the day, there are more important things
Pretty sure one of the correct ways to dispose of flag of burning
i dont believe that a piece of cloth defines a nation, but it is freedom of speech even though i do not agree with the act
No, unless the flag is made of materials such as plastic which harm the environment when burned
Yes if done in public with intent to incite violence or hate etc. Would be dictated by circumstances
Circumstances would dictate if this is criminal.
@8SKLXRQLiberal Democrat4yrs4Y
Burning the UK flag should be made illegal
No, it isn't something that should be but I respect free speech
It’s a flag. It doesn’t mean what it once did because of the murderous history behind the majority of flags
It is an intentional exercise in causing upset and distress, if you disagree with a country's politics discuss them or open areas for discussion, simply burning flags is not progressive and solves nothing. Overall it just comes across as ignorant.
It should be illegal on public buildings and places of remembrance
if it is a life or death
Yes but it should only carry a very very small penalty
If it’s not bringing any harm to someone, it shouldn’t matter
Yes, the flag of any nation recognised by the UK should be protected, unless it is offensive or illegitimate.
Don't really have an opinion.
If you're a citizen of the United Kingdom then it should be considered wrong unless in spite or in protest.
Yes we need to treat the UK flag with respect like back in the empire days. We need punishments for people that burn our flag.
No, burning flags of any nation (including the UK flag) shouldn't be a crime so as long as there's no cases of arson/incitement to violence or lawless behaviour.
No, it should be a required act on an annual national holiday.
Yes, and imprison those who burn the flag.
Dirty and cloth as decrease Chinese and Ireland UK flag French which belongs frames of drama burn the flags down as such new Zealand is not fire auto given ok
@98WWW9TBritish National2yrs2Y
YES and if doing so should carry a 5 year prison sentence
Yes but only for flags of certain dimensions that could pose a significant safety risk
Death penalty to who ever dose In the most painful way they have no idea what the people in our country fought for
Yes, if it insights hate.
The UK flag is protected in the UK.
Yes, unless done in a respectful or traditional ceremony
The flag of the United Kingdom, yes. The flag of Isleland, of course not.
No, any one who does is a vile person whom I have no respect for but the government doesn't have the right to take away their free speech.
A person should be fined instead
No, unless it is part of a violence-inciting demonstration.
Yes as long as it doesn’t cause damage to the property or the environment although I would want the Police e.g to investigate why they have done this in case they are being extremist.
Yes. Those who burn the flag should receive prison sentences.
Yes, but if by accident no.
Agree with all of the 'no'
In England it should be a crime but in Wales and Scotland local governments should decide if burning a flag is a crime
Yes, and they should be fined and aware, so it does not damage free speech but comes at a cost, the punishment should not be too harsh.
Yes, and it should be a fine if committed.
It should be illegal to defame the symbols of allied nations and the Union flag. But the defaming of the English, Scottish, Welsh, or Northan Irish flags should be allowed.
No, but there should be education to respect our flag
No. Trying to find everyone who burns a flag would cost a lot of money for the government. And it is a freedom of speech.
It should be an offense punishable by a 100 pound fine to a 1000 pound fine
Yes but it should be legal only under specific circumstances eg: and art project
I don't really care. It is just a piece of cloth
@945K7TRLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Public, unnecessary fire raising should be illegal. Defacing a flag for political expression should not.
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