Try the political quiz

31 Replies

 @9LP7D89answered…3 days3D

Yes privatise the operation of train and train tracks without raising the price of tickets for the public

 @9LNF59Banswered…4 days4D

If there's an option for a half and half option so the country can gain from the operation then yes but if it's just companies coming in from foreign countries to make money from our railway network who have no interest in our country then no


no eventually we should replace the rail with hyperloop stack tubes
this can allow logistical superiorly over other nations and would be GREEN af because it would be faster than flying
eventually i would like to see it replace EUROSTAR as again slot pod drone transport could replace all of it eventually,.


No, gradually eliminate privatisation and have the government operate the trains and tracks, as long as they agree to set affordable and fair trains fares and lead an efficient and effective service for passengers, and treat the workers fairly and respectfully.


Yes if only their frequency and time keeping improves. The charges /costs shouldn’t increase, but decrease.


No, the public should have more ownership which will allow for more local control and savings in funds.


Infrastructure should be owned by the state. There could be a national train operator but it must compete with private operators


Government to own the trains and tracks but operated like the current LNER is but with a ' board of governors' like with schools made up of customer groups, government, staff safety executive


just make train journeys cheaper full stop who cares if its privatised or not


Depends on which makes travel more affordable and run more efficiently - assume government running makes it more affordable but private makes it more efficient


Whatever it takes to keep fairs down and make trains more viable than cars


Yes. And pay back Railtrack shareholders who lost money under Blair's regime


At this point it would cost far to much to buy railways back but there need to be better regulation (nationally) and control of railway (locally) as some railway are using train the sound of been replaced year ago and others are constantly late or cancelled


Yes, privatise the operation of the trains and tracks, but ensure companies allow rates for a lower income bracket



Some Train Operating Companies are unreliable however I am currently happy with the way the railways are being operated.


Only if the government can make rail services dependable, clean and safe


No, but more funds and resources must be used to modernise and improve the current systems.

 @8SDF5J2Liberal Democratanswered…3yrs3Y

Have better aligned and clearer incentives for train and tracker operators with clear accountability


No, national railway travel is already becoming too expensive to be considered manageable at present


The government should lease the tracks to ensure they get enough money from travel


whoever wants to enter the private railway industry should be able to do so.


Trains should be run as one heavily regulated business. The government are too short sighted


we should have the railways ran by companies that are owned by the state. State capitalism


No, but the government can privatise systems where the contract holder is failing.

 @8S77NHLLiberal Democratanswered…3yrs3Y

Privatisation jeans profit which is counter intuitive to inexpensive green travel ... however without investment from fares needed upgrades cannot be achieved. Privatisation happened because the government did not up grade do there has to be a balance between government and the franchise holders ... what we have now nay be he fear if both worlds even if not perfect



No, but increased investment is needed to update aging infrastructure


National to sport put current problems and them privatise when ruining issues are sorted

 @8S4Z454Liberal Democratanswered…3yrs3Y

No, privatisation is almost impossible of the railway without cutting essential services.



All government owned industries should be privatised and free from government control


Rail travel could be private but there must be strict rules to be adhered to and if they don’t then they lose their franchise


Yes, but only partially privatised. Rail infrastructure should be publicly owned and rail operators can be private firms but closely regulated by the government.


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