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50 Replies


As with dentist care in the UK, most people should be required to pay for a part of their healthcare to make the NHS workable again.


Yes, but private healthcare should contribute a percentage of their profits (pre-bonuses) back into the public healthcare system in order to benefit the NHS.


Privatise for above a certain income bracket and increase the promotion of healthy products and add a life-style tax which means you have to pay extra on your medical bills based off of the percentage of chance that you caused your illness through active choices.


All British Citizens should get the taxpayers money, but illegal immigrants should not get the taxpayers funds.


Yes, but allow people to use private insurance, healthcare is guaranteed for everyone still, private comapnies can profit off of healthcare, but the government should not be involved in healthcare because they have some weird agenda. Unless if it is a proven good government.


Yes, but private medical care must be much more competitive, and people should be given the option to opt out.

 @B2PJ87YWomen's Equality from Guam  answered…1mo1MO

Should uk conservative party leader is in been involved by health gps visit for private companies issued by new Zealand national party leader choosens it could makes difference areas for community


Yes, but only for low-income households, higher earners should be financially responsible for their own healthcare


Allow people to use private insurance
Guarantee healthcare for everyone
Not get involved heavily in healthcare however
Private companies can profit off healthcare if it's not creating more patients, rather retaining healthy patients who want to improve more


There should be a private and public option with tax deductions for those taking pressure off the public sector.


Yes, but a serious review of the layers of management in said healthcare organisations needs to be done, and a sane cap needs to be implemented on upper scale pay, especially at the expense of lower tier staff, bonuses or raises should not be given when the system is crumbling. too much self-interest.


The NHS should be free for everyone earning under £80,000 a year.
People earning more than £80,000 a year should get mandatory 'full-cover' private insurance, paid as gross salary sacrifice via their employer. However, this should only be introduced in combination with a Government imposed cap on full-cover premiums that all health insurance companies have to comply with, not to exceed 3% of the employee's gross income per year.


People should have to pay to make an appointment at a doctors surgery. If they attend, refund. If they don't, charge


For non critical surgeries such as knee replacement/removal of tonsils people should be allowed to go private but lower prices so more widely available option

 @9NPXKR4Apolitical Democratanswered…10mos10MO

yes but fund more gps and pharmacies, rather than expensively treating issues only when they become serious


If you pay in to the service through tax you should receive different level of service compared to those that don’t

 @9MQ2PM7Labour answered…10mos10MO

Yes, but while NHS funding should be increased by flat-rate charges for some referrals, the NHS needs management needs rethinking


No, however we should make the costs very low and the doctors should be trustworthy, unlike in the United States. And very low income people and the disabled should have free healthcare.


The funding model should be hybrid; single-payer with incentives for those that take private insurance, whilst at the same time driving hard to reduce waste, inefficiency and discretionary/costmetic/vanity treatment.


Yes, but private health care should be provided by all employers, with the NHS acting as a safety net for those who aren't able to work


it should be tiered. Certain things should be removed such as gp services for most people, the very wealthiest (top 5%) should pay insurance.


Yes, but the definition of healthcare should be specified so that it encompasses traditional healthcare and not elective treatments.


People who can/want to go private should be allowed to. Definitely keep and build up the NHS system again


Dependant on the health condition. Lower taxes, privatised healthcare but regulate private health care.


Yes as long as it’s affordable and should only be applicable to people who earn over a certain income. Things like this could cause more issues for low income families


Yes, however it should not be for non essential matters such as fertility or cosmetic reasons not associated with a clinical need such as cosmetic plastic surgery with 'mental health used as an excuse to secure service.


Yes, but private hea lth care can egsist and provide private health care. However private companies can't profit off the NHS.


Privatize the healthcare and make in mandatory for everyone in the uk to have basic health insurance.

  @Kovu answered…1yr1Y

Yes and no. I think it would be easier and better, however it needs to be done in a way or ways that are financially sustainable and also generally sustainable, long term. No one should profit of health care and it should be free or at least, greatly more accessible than it is to everyone, and that goes for insurance and medications too.


No. The Beveridge model is outdated and the population is too large and too old for this to continue to work. Use the continental Bismarck model which allows for healthcare for all while incentivising competition and increasing standards.


We already have the NHS, why would we need a 'Single-payer' healthcare system?


If the NHS is failing then people who can afford it should get private healthcare and those who cant should get tax breaks and support to pay for it.

 @9PD2GGZ answered…9mos9MO

Yes, but people should be able to use other healthcare systems and the system should be more efficiently managed.


I support a voluntary payer healthcare system. In which the government would run the affairs of such a system, but all funding of which would come from voluntary payments of the people in question. If they don't pay, they can't access treatment. If the NHS is so great, lets put it to the test.


To an extent, but not in is current form. Some services should be paid for and private medical insurance should be more affordable if NI was reduced.

 @9NWQ8LRLiberal Democrat from Pennsylvania  answered…10mos10MO

Yes, but add a minor co-pay for use of GP's or ambulances to help stem unnecessary use of the system


I think in an ideal society, healthcare should be free to everyone as some people may not be able to afford money for certain treatments.


Healthcare should be given free, unless caused by a person's own actions I.e. alcoholism, drugs, obesity


Depending on income, individuals should contribute to the medical bill. In Japan children and elderly are free but people of working age pay 30%. Low incomes are exempt.

 @9LNJ7GMLiberal Democratanswered…11mos11MO

If you have private healthcare insurance you should be expempt but similarly you should only be able to access healthcare on NHS if you pay NI


No, but hospitals should fine people in A&E whom are sign posed to Dr's Surgery, Minor Injuries or Pharmacy that were not needing emergency care.


People in a higher tax bracket should not be able to access free health care, or should be for lower income families


Yes but allow people to choose private services instead if they want and make sure that the NHS actually improves with money paid in taxes


No, we already pay for our healthcare system via taxes. The NHS clearly requires reform with fewer bureaucrats less bureaucracy and more hands on management such as ward matrons etc.


Privatise healthcare and enable everyone to pay their own way.Insurance is the future as the current system cannot cope,its time for change.


Individuals should have the choice to pay less tax and have health insurance but not get NHS care or pay more tax and Receive NHS care


Encourage people to use private healthcare by cutting VAT on it and banning “surprise payments” with a monthly insurance payment only funding healthcare


Partially. The parts of the NHS that are privatised shouldn't be aiming to make a profit. That's an ethical issue. It's morally wrong. private insurance should be allowed as well. But it has to remain an expensive option. A system in the middle is probably the best way to go.


Yes but it should be a voluntary system and a pay per use for those who do not sign up


No, they should perhaps means test increase national insurance payments in order to fund the NHS better


I am happy with whatever allows for free at service with shorter wait times and better treatment,efficiency and such. Also more innovation and investment in research and development

 @945K7TRLiberal Democratanswered…3yrs3Y

All health services should be nationalised, and should be free at the point of need.


The Government should fund Healthcare as they have a duty to safeguard the people who invest sovereignity into them. Private companies who are based in the UK and the Crown dependencies should also fund the NHS through a monthly wealth and profit tax as they have a duty of care for their employees under British law.


Yes, but allow private healthcare ina reas needed, like gender transition support


Abolish the current system in favour of replacing it with the Belgian model which provides free healthcare to all but works far better than our nationalised service.



Yes but those who pay taxes should be allowed quicker appointments, those who contribute to society should be allowed to go ahead of those of don’t.


Yes, though the taxe should specifically go towards healthcare and not a piggy bank


Yes, but allow for private healthcare alongside, and run the NHS more commercially to ensure greater efficiency


Yes, but I would rather make all health services publicly owned, rather than state of privately owned


Yes but all immigrants should pay through private health insurance before entering the uk



If you pay into the NHS you should have access to it. 'Members' receive a card and are logged on file as they contributed to the NHS.
If you don't want to pay into the NHS you purchase your own insurance to receive medical help via the NHS or simply don't get any health care.


Yes but make sure only the people who pay into the system have free access to it


The NHS should be partly privatised with low income families paying less than higher income families


Yes if it is funded by the government but managed properly, and it benefits everyone in the country.


Yes, private companies should not be able to make excessive profits off of healthcare


Have private heathcare for those who can afford it and NHS for those who cannot afford to pay for healthcare, this will cut down on NHS waiting lists


Yes but allow people to receive a rebate if using private health insurance because the NHS is unfit for purpose.


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