In the 2021/22 financial year, the government of the United Kingdom spent approximately 25.2 billion British pounds on Railways, compared with 6.6 billion on local roads, 5.5 billion on local public transport, 5.4 billion on national roads, and 2.4 billion on other forms of transport.
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Yes, to reduce congestion
Public Transport should be nationalised. It is not a luxury item.
Yes aim to provide free public transport where possible but for any one disrupting services they will have this taken off them
@9MRYBPQ 10mos10MO
No, the government should spend that money on releasing the services from foreign private corporations
Yes, performance needs to be improved. This will increase use which lowers the costs and benefits the environment
Public transport is increased services using a bus and vehicle without patrol prices and card credit for identifying empty handed government alone
Yes but in more remote areas so that people can easily commute to cities and back. To industrialise other areas so that bigger cities like London do not have to stress over the lack of housing, whilst also seeking to maintain more green space in already crowded cities
Yes Especially if it serves economically deprived regions outside of the south and is environmentally friendly
Railway network needs to be rebuilt to the scale of 1960 you should be able to get anywhere in the country on a train and it should be affordable for the average person and improve local bus services and place it is not possible to get to by train and it should all be under public ownership.
@9FVSZ3V 1yr1Y
All public services should be Nationalised and run not for profit. Transport should be free. The beneficiaries of public services are industry and they ought heavily fund the public services that enable their workers to be available.
Only if it is to improve it in areas where it is severely lacking such as rural Wales and only if it is not in an attempt to force people not to drive and as a result be stuck in their homes
If the country is. In economic crisis then yes but for no reason at all no
Yes provided free transport and environmentally friendly solutions
Yes, and provide enviormentally-friendly free public transport.
Cancel Hs2 and invest into current railway upgrades
Something needs to be do to lower the cost of rail travel.
No it’s way too expensive it’s ridiculous
No but the government should spend more on “National Connections” ie hs2
Yes, but all public transport should be nationalized
High speed rail expansion to all major cities.
No, and we should nationalise more public transportation services
Public transport outside of London is a waste of time. Unreliable and too expensive.
Yes, only if the private contractors (hired by the government) do a good job, don't waste money, and to reduce travel costs in the long-term.
Yes, and expand public transport links in rural areas.
Yes, but focus outside London where more investment is badly needed.
Hire actual experts to realise where taxpayers money would go best. Reduce spending but still keep it a thing as it is fundamental for workers to get to jobs and make it more efficient.
Make it free for people who need it to get to their jobs to motivate and boost the economically inactive until they do not need it anymore.
Yes, especially bus services as they are used more by less wealthy people
reduction in the regional monopolies that exist as this is not true privatisation
Yes, but with more innovative solutions, particularly in rural areas.
Yes, but only if they are nationalised within the purview of the local councils
Yes but they should always make the passengers pay for them
The government should invest more in transport infrastructure which adds to the productive capacity of the economy, but should not spend more money on subsidising the operation of public transport.
these firm that run the transport already make enough from the public,why should the government spending so they make more profits
Public transport should have increased spending along side incentivization of public transportation over private transportation. With long term goals of moving towards environmentally friendly goals such as electrification of rail or introduction of trams.
Depends on what is spent. “Public transportation is very broad”
Make it cheaper to use public transport
Yes. Where I live we have a bus to the nearest town five miles away. It only runs once every TWO hours and takes between 45 and 55 minutes whereas it takes 10-15 minutes by car. It also would be impossible to use to get to work due to the fact the last service is 16:30 from the town to home.
Yes, and this spending should go towards improving the accessibility of public transport, lowering costs and improving sustainability
London is so connected, time to improve public transport and connectivity regarding the North. But should not be a major priority over housing, work etc.
Yes and establish and National Transport Service like the NHS, providing free and green public transport across all trains, trams and buses, as well as taxis for disabled people.
No, companies that operate public transport should be fined if they don't meet the published timetables and people should be incentivised to use public transport through tax relief
Yes and the cost of using a bus in rural areas should be the same as the cities. The bus services in rural areas need to be greatly improved. We can only get to one place at a ridiculous cost
Yes - The UK is a joke compared to other European countries whose public transport is cleaner, cheaper and easier to navigate.
Yes, but it should remember the North needs transportation upgrades aswell rather than only investing in the south and London.
@9NBB2V8Women's Equality 10mos10MO
I think that is a lot of money to spend but there are clearly areas that need improving, so the money should be spent going towards better solutions suhc as environmentally friendly or disability access.
Rail should be re-nationalised for starters. Needs to be a better and more efficiently run network.
Yes, especially in cities outside of Greater London. The standards of public transport in big cities in the UK do not even partially meet the standards of TFL.
No privatise more public transport services but provide free travel for under 24 year olds
Yes, and it should go to making the services more reliable and environmentally friendly.
Yes, but we should ensure that spending goes towards environmentally friendly solutions.
Yes, and we should build in more high-speed links in the UK.
Yes; money should also go towards providing more environmentally friendly public transport. Costs for public transport should also be reduced as well as reducing privatization of public transportation.
Yes but more to be invested away from London and the south-east. Levelling up does not seem to apply anywhere north of the Midands
Yes, and provide more free or subsidised transportation with reduced bus and rail fares
We should find a middle ground in Part Privatisation and Public ownership allowing for cheaper travel
Yes especially in rural areas where there are few alternatives. Environmental impact should always be considered
The Government has subsided transport in London far too much ...but has failed for decades to subsidize transport in the rest of Britain ...time for a change
Yes but the service need to be improved; longer service running times, more frequent times during the academic year and reduced or capped fares
Needs modernising, not more of it. I will never use public transport.
Yes, but only if the spending goes towards environmentally friendly solutions which are free.
Yes, but the cost of tickets should be linked to the equivalent cost of car sharing, thus encouraging people back on to public transport.
We should only slightly increase funding for public transport to allow a better work quality and more efficient service.
increase funding, providing cheaper or free transport with eco friendly options available
yes, more free public transportation should be available while working on more eco friendly solutions
no and decrease it only on wastefull spending and if we have control of the cost of living under control and have more extra spending use it to make it better but raise rail workers rights
No, but make the distribution more equal across the UK
Yes we need better quality public transport that can be affordable for all types of people.
Yes, all routes within a certain region should be free and cross-regional travel should be subsidized to prevent pollution and traffic problems from cars
Yes, if the spending is environmentally friendly and spent outside of London. It should also should be run by the local authority.
Yes and we should look towards more free public transport and more environmentally friendly solutions
Yes, but only if the spending goes towards environmentally friendly solutions and it not provide a further financial burden to the public. It is unfair that we continue to have to foot the bill when the government refuses to tax companies appropriately to offset these costs
Yes, but only to improve infrastructure, not to subsidise free travel
I think it’s funding is perfect and should never be lowered or hired
Yes, but only if the extra spending goes towards biodegradable materials and safer fuels to use for transport.
No, they need to improve infrastructure first so that public transport can be more efficient and effective first so people prefer to use it than own cars
@92F3YYRLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Yes but there needs to be better oversight
Put it all in public ownership.
Yes, as well as encourage private sector research and development
Yes, but allow more local controll
No public transport is cheaper than private
Yes but with a strong focus on areas beyond London
Only to provide more rotes for grater use of public transport
Yes improvements need to be made to services
Gov might want to make it affordable to even get on Public transport first. There cost rises are making it unaffordable.
@8ZGN59JLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Yes, and there should be more focus on increasing reliable public transport in smaller towns that are often forgotten about
Yes, and nationalise the bus network.
We should redice spending but Bring back Nationalised Buses (with private competition and return British Bus Company and National Express). Also, Bring back Nationalised British Rail
No. Spend the money better. No more privatisation
Yes but people should pay to get on trains.
Yes, this countries public transportation system needs a total overhaul. The only way to provide a suitable, manageable and effective public transportation system is through new investment which will also go towards making it "greener".
Fund electric car ownership grants alternatively
No, not to expand existing systems but should invest into converting fleets and population behaviour to take up environmentally friendly options as soon as possible
Yes but with more strict laws for defacing it
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