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If those in power wish to enrich themselves at the price of the lower classes then those in power have no right to rule, but instead should have the mandatory, statutory right to be paid ONLY based on the minimum wage.


The minimum wage is not high enough and should be increased as the current cost of living crisis and the national minimum wage do not correlate as the poor are getting poorer and the current minimum wage is not enough to live on.


Wage standards should be put in place based on experience and position, or else this devalues necessary positions and jobs.


Then we deepen class and income inequality creating extreme levels of social exclusion and deprivation, which invariably exacerbates criminality, educational underachievement, immediate and longterm health issues such as psychological disorders and longterm damage to economic growth.


The removal of 'all' protections for a minimum wage creates the conditions for a "race-to-the-bottom" where in workers are compelled to continually lower the amount they are willing to receive for their labour to suite the demands of the controlling classes. Regardless of how willing some may be to work for so little, the main effect will be to harm those not in a position to refuse this small payment who are simultaneously not in a position to survive being paid so little.


A young person deserves the same wage as someone older doing the same job, the idea of someone under 25 not being worth the same as a colleague is demeaning.


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