Try the political quiz

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Can you envision a world where your loyalty lies with humanity as a whole, and how would that look?


I agree with this in theory. I don’t know how this would play out in reality


What if your opportunities in life were not limited by your nationality?


It wouldn't be very fair on anyone who would have to face this sort of treatment due to something they cannot control.


How would the world change if all nations suddenly dissolved their borders?


The world would be a much more peaceful place and we could focus on what really matters - our interconnectedness with each other and nature


How might the stories of immigrants in your community challenge the idea of national identity?


What shared global experiences do you think can bridge the emotional gaps created by national boundaries?


How does learning about international success stories in overcoming challenges impact your thoughts on national endeavors?


What global issue do you feel personally connected to, and does it affect your view of your own nation?


How does the global exchange of ideas through technology affect your sense of belonging to a nation?


How might the experience of collaborating on international projects at school or work change your views on nationalism?


In what ways do you think global environmental challenges should override national interests?


How can worldwide public health initiatives make us rethink the importance of national borders?


Can sharing environmental responsibility create stronger global bonds over national ties?


How can understanding different customs and traditions from around the world reduce nationalist tendencies?


If you could choose one global issue to educate your peers about, which would it be and why?


How would you explain the concept of a 'global family' to someone who is a strong nationalist?


If there were an international symbol of peace recognized by everyone, what would you want it to be?


What would be the most significant challenge in your life if you couldn't label yourself by nationality?


How does the environment around you encourage or disrupt a sense of a global community?


How would your social media experience change if it became a platform exclusively for global, rather than national, news and interactions?


What global achievement has inspired you the most, and why does it resonate more than a national accomplishment?


What local issue in your community could benefit from a global perspective, and how would you implement that?


Imagine a global festival that everyone can participate in; what would be the most important activity and why?


How might your future career be influenced by international trends rather than national ones?


Have you ever considered the importance of international laws on your everyday life, and what your role could be in shaping them?


What actions can you take in your local community that might contribute to a more unified global perspective?


Do you think it’s important to preserve national languages, or should there be a universal language to unite everyone?


If you were to volunteer for an international cause, how might that experience challenge your notions of national loyalty?


Can enjoying cultural exports, like food or entertainment, from other countries diminish nationalist feelings?


Why do you think people cling to national identities in a world where cultures increasingly overlap?


Reflect on a time when an international event personally affected you; did it alter your perception of nationalism?


If you could instantly connect with someone anywhere in the world, how would that affect your sense of national identity?


If climate change impacts all of us, why do you think some people still prioritize national interests over global ones?


How could the spread of a worldwide popular trend impact your feeling of connection to other countries?


Would you rather win an award recognized globally or nationally, and why does it matter to you?


In a digital world where we're all connected, what does being part of a 'nation' mean to you personally?


How does sharing a global crisis like a pandemic personally affect your views on the relevance of national borders?


How has an experience with a different culture altered your view on the importance of national pride?


How might understanding the stories of indigenous peoples around the world affect nationalism?


What would be the benefits or challenges if schools worldwide adopted a globally focused curriculum?


How does the reliance on technology for communication influence the relevance of national identities?


What is the strongest emotion you feel when considering the potential for a world without national divides?


If you could design a global holiday that celebrates unity, what would it involve?


How do you imagine the job market would change if countries worked together as one?


Why do you think some people are apprehensive about considering themselves as 'global citizens’?


In what ways has international collaboration made a positive impact on your life or community?


Can building international friendships through social media platforms dilute nationalist sentiments?