Try the political quiz

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Socialism is a political ideology that advocates for the collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. It emphasizes the principle that wealth and income should be shared more equally among the people. Socialists argue that the distribution of wealth and power in a society should be controlled by the whole community rather than by individuals or private corporations.

The roots of socialism as a political ideology can be traced back to the French Revolution in the late 18th century, but it was not until the 19th century that it…  Read more


Would you be willing to sacrifice some personal freedom for the community's well-being, and where would you draw the line?


I believe in freedom of expression and speech, so anything that would violate those ideals are where I draw a line


No, I think personal freedom is important but there should be a balance of how much certain person needs for their own beenfit


Would you be willing to give up some personal luxuries if it meant everyone had access to basic necessities?


It depends what one means by 'personal luxuries', if that means, in actuality, the negation of the ability to attain wealth and what comes with such, which is what socialism plays out as in reality, then no, however, of course everyone should have access to basic necessities, and this is possible and is done so in liberal democratic capitalist systems, but not at the expense of the ability to attain wealth and luxury.


What would be your primary motivation to excel academically or professionally if financial rewards were off the table?


In that situation I guess to become self reliant if there’s no reason for financial rewards I would work forward to be become a self reliant household or community


Do you think you'd feel more or less societal pressure in a system where jobs and income were equalized?


i think equal pay is stupid as men do more hard work and women dont so its fune pay isnt equal



Liberalism is a political ideology that emphasizes individual rights, equality, and the protection of civil liberties. It is rooted in the principles of democracy, free market economics, and the rule of law. The term "liberalism" comes from the Latin word "liber," meaning "free," and it is fundamentally concerned with the concept of freedom and the rights of the individual.

The origins of liberalism can be traced back to the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries, a period of intellectual and philosophical development that emphasized reason, analysis,…  Read more


How do you think future technologies might challenge our ideas about privacy and freedom?

 @9KWJRZGLibertarian answered…1yr1Y

Privacy and the right to privacy may become hotly contested terms in times to come and with the advent of modern technology comes more interaction with virtual spaces. Making the ability to spread one's opinion and to expand one's knowledge base. We must, however guard ourselves against this. Take steps and precautions to make sure that while we are expressing our views that we are being balanced and fair. I believe that hyperbole takes too high a role in social media. Things being believed that have no basis in fact.


What influence do people in positions of authority (like teachers or bosses) have on your personal freedoms?


Very limited. I generally form my own opinion anyway. Family has a bigger influence.


What influence do you think technology has on our autonomy and privacy?


I think it has a positive impact as it allows people to be anonymous online and whistleblow


In a liberal society, how should we address the concerns of those who feel their freedoms are being limited?


First of all, education. I think too many people cry “wolf” and “woke” without acknowledging the privileges they already have and truly understanding the struggles other people have either had to face, or are currently facing, for the same rights that they have. There is far too much scapegoating, and I do think the media is largely to blame for trivialising important social issues. I think that prejudice is far too complex and broad for simple, one-off acknowledgements and private media companies need to be held to more account by watchdog bodies



The "Left" political ideology is a broad term that encompasses a range of beliefs and values centered around the idea of promoting social equality, justice, and solidarity. It is often associated with advocating for government intervention in the economy to address issues of inequality and poverty, as well as supporting policies that protect workers' rights, provide social welfare programs, and ensure access to healthcare and education for all citizens.

The roots of the Left can be traced back to the Enlightenment era in Europe, where thinkers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl…  Read more


How would society change if everyone’s basic needs were guaranteed by the government?


Have you ever felt overlooked or unfairly treated, and how do you think policies focused on equality would have changed that situation?


What’s one change you would implement in your school or community to make it more inclusive?


Imagine a world where every job pays enough to live comfortably; how would that change people’s attitudes toward work?


Social Democracy

Social Democracy is a political ideology that advocates for a balance between a capitalist or market economy and strong governmental intervention to promote social justice. It is rooted in the belief that social and economic inequalities should be minimized through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even welfare state measures. The ideology also supports a robust public sector, including public education, healthcare, and child care, as well as other services aimed at minimizing poverty and homelessness.

The origins of Social Democracy can be traced back to the 19th century, during…  Read more


How does it make you feel when you think about a society that actively tries to reduce the stigma around receiving public assistance?

 @9J8NFCJ answered…1yr1Y

We need to make everyone have an equal opportunity to life and not live in poverty. Not only is it not good for the person who is disadvantaged, but it also does not look good on the nation which is seen as one that takes care of other things than itself. Social democracy allows the people to have a say in issues that affect them and others. It has been proven before that one party states help but often in a way that goes against the people's wishes. Democracy when it's not threatened allows people to see their country in a better light. An example of this is the Nordic countries.


We need more people trying to efuce the stigma. We all need a little help sometimes and that's okay. The people that need help, need it for a reason. The world isn't equal to us all we don't hsve all the same opportunities. For mentally ill people, disabled, single mothers, etc, some groups of people just need a little more support. It isnt a moral failing. What us a moral failing is shaming those who struggle when the reason they're struggling is ojtwith their control. Even if it is in their control, well compassion goes a long way.


Would your perspective on money change if everyone received a basic income to cover fundamental needs?



Does the thought of a child's future being less dependent on their parents' wealth bring you comfort or concern?


A child should be able to come into this world & be able from birth to have level of subsistence that enables them to compete with every other child of his age grouping...A child should not be dependant on any former familial support other than that what it needs for love & comfort ,The social aspects we all need to learn ,Wealth for some children is a burden ,For others who have no wealth it also a burden ...Less is more for everyone ,When we die our gains in life should pass away with us ,I do not believe in heritage wealth ,It is why we moved away from the feudal system ,It is…  Read more


If a guaranteed basic income was available to all, how might that influence your sense of financial security and career choices?


More free to do the job I want rather than settle for one I hate for financial security



Conservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes the preservation of traditional institutions, practices, and moral values. It is rooted in a resistance to rapid change and a preference for gradual evolution, with a strong focus on maintaining social stability and continuity. The ideology often advocates for limited government intervention, free market capitalism, and individual liberties.

The origins of conservatism can be traced back to the late 18th century, during the period of the Enlightenment. It emerged as a reaction to the radical political changes brought about by the French Revo…  Read more


Which traditional values do you feel are universal, and why might they be important to uphold?


Does the concept of resisting rapid societal change to preserve continuity resonate with you, and why or why not?


How might traditional thinking contribute to solving modern problems, based on your observations?


I think modern politics can be heavily influenced by history and as a country we should look backwards as the further backwards we look the further forwards we are likely to see


What's a piece of advice from your ancestors that has stuck with you, and how does it apply to your life today?


It is very important to work hard and stand firm in the face of adversity, working to improve myself and my family looking after what is dear to me in a proper fashion



Capitalism is a political and economic ideology characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, investments determined by private decision, and prices, production, and the distribution of goods determined mainly by competition in a free market. It is a system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit. This profit is generated through efficient use of the resources, obtained through a voluntary exchange in a free market.

The roots of capitalism can be traced back to the late Middle Ages in Europe, where it gradually emerged following the demi…  Read more


Do you feel that the wealth created by capitalism benefits society as a whole or just a select few?


Capitalism, by design, benefits those at the very top by exploiting the labour of workers. It naturally incentives paying workers as little as possible in order to maximise profit, and as business get bigger and become oligopolies they can work with each other to ensure wages stay down and competition is stifled.


I think it benefits society but much more needs to be done to raise opportunities, education and safely for wvery citizen to thrive.


Wealth created is fantastic but unfortunately many of the elite are greedy and prioritise profit over larger social concerns

 @9PRSWZY answered…9mos9MO

Capitalism has created greed beyond our comprehension. No one should have wealth/assets that exceeds 8 figures


If you had the power, would you make any changes to the current capitalist system, and what would they be?


Tax the richest companies and people in society, nationalise NHS/public transport/energy/internet/education.


Get rid of loopholes that allow corporations to avoid tax while still being a viable place for businesses ro operate from


The capitalist system as a whole if fine. The problem is where our taxes are going. Fund schools, encourage kids to strive to be rich. But also remove tax loopholes


I would nationalise several public utilities, e.g. transport, energy and use capitalism to generate money for the people.


Can capitalism truly provide freedom of choice for consumers, or does it end up creating illusions of choice with big companies dominating markets?

 @9H7JXCMLiberal Democratanswered…1yr1Y

The job of a government in a capitalist society is to keep the markets health to stop the monopoly of big business.


Big companies are run by a certain kind of people that follow a certain religion, and they fabricate everything. More consoomerism = more power to Jews.


No I believe in capitalism and that competition in companies and markets creates better ideas and creates more jobs for everyone in the long run.


I think capitalism should stay but everyone one should have the chance to start in capitalism and not be squashed by large corporations.


In your opinion, does capitalism favor innovation or does it primarily reward those who already have wealth and power?



Left-wing political ideology is a broad spectrum of political philosophies that prioritize social equality and aim to diminish the impact of social hierarchies. It is often associated with ideas of social justice, labor rights, welfare state, and civil liberties. Left-wing politics typically involve a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others, and a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished.

The term "left-wing" has its origins in the French Revolution of the 18th century, when liberal deputi…  Read more


In what ways do you think government should intervene to help those who are less advantaged?

 @9H4QJVHfrom New Jersey  answered…1yr1Y

Taxes on the rich, better public services and more opportunities to get back into learning or work


Why do you think some people are against the idea of a welfare state, and how would you respond to their concerns?


Some people believe it’s every man for themselves, rather than supporting and helping others. People think that those who who are poor ‘don’t work hard enough’ and therefore do not deserve health care


What kind of world do you want to live in 20 years, and what steps do you think are necessary to get there?


How would you handle a situation where your personal values clash with those of your community or society?


Democratic Socialism

Democratic Socialism is a political ideology that combines the principles of democracy with the ideals of socialism. It advocates for a democratic political system alongside a socialist economic system. This means that democratic socialists believe in political democracy, but they also believe that the economy should be socially owned and controlled by the people who work in it, rather than by a small group of wealthy individuals or corporations.

Democratic socialism is different from traditional socialism, which often involves an authoritarian government that controls the economy. Instead,…  Read more


What are your thoughts on the idea that workers should have control over the businesses they work for?


I think who ever own the businesses deserves the right to order/control their employees in their own way


Do you think it's fair for successful individuals to pay significantly higher taxes to support social programs?


No, People should be treated equal. Just because they probably worked harder for their money doesn't mean they have to pay more.


I believe it is fair because it gives the greater good for the country but it could premote people to illegally hide their accounts.


How would you feel if your hard work financially supported someone who chooses not to work at all?


I would not be happy. Everyone who has the choice to work should and should not receive any help.


How do you envision your dream job would be impacted in a world where profit isn't the sole focus of a business?


Somewhere where I would enjoy working and be motivated to make the world better



Democracy is a political ideology that is based on the principle of equality and freedom. It is a system of government where the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Democracy is often associated with the rule of law, protection of human rights, and the active participation of the people in the political process.

The term "democracy" comes from the Greek words "demos" (people) and "kratos" (rule), which translates to "rule by the people". The concept of democracy…  Read more


What changes would you make to the current education system to better prepare students for participation in a democracy?


More low income families should be given better chances at getting into grammar schools and receiving scholarships so that their children are smarter and more opinionated when it comes to democracy.


How do you feel when people around you don't vote, and does it influence your desire to vote?


If people don’t vote they don’t get a right to be annoyed at politics. When people don’t vote it makes me want to vote more as i believe it is extremely important.


Why do you think it's important, or not, for individuals to debate and discuss politics openly?


Would you want a say in choosing your educators and school administrators through a vote, and why?


I appreciate democracy but wish there was a definitive percentage majority needed to stand as valid. 10% majority would at least ensure a true majority on any vote and issue.



Centre-left political ideology is a term used to describe a spectrum of political beliefs that lean towards the left-wing on the political scale but are closer to the centre than to the far left. This ideology is often associated with social equality, social justice, and a mixed economy, combining private enterprise with government intervention to promote social welfare. It is also typically associated with progressive social policies, including support for human rights, environmentalism, and multiculturalism.

The history of centre-left ideology can be traced back to the late 19th and early…  Read more


If everyone had access to healthcare and education, how do you think the world would change?



Less children would die due to simple health problems, less crime due to people being educated to get jobs.


I think the world would change for the better as désignions. Would be well informed and that would stem from better education.

 @9Q3LCT9 answered…9mos9MO

It’s awful to think that a human life, one of pain or suffering can’t afford healthcare or the ability to be able to have an educational enviroment that allows one do debate and analyse. Healthcare and education provides the basis of a healthy society.


How would you feel if your local community took significant steps to become more environmentally friendly?


While it's a positive beginning, we require nationwide participation to enact significant changes and observe noticeable improvements.


How does ensuring workplace rights and protections benefit society, from your perspective?