Try the political quiz

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How would you feel if evidence emerged disproving human influence on climate change?


If technology could provide a clear answer to climate change questions, what impact would that have?


In what ways has the climate change discourse shaped your perception of responsibility towards future generations?


What is your stance on the balance between economic development and environmental conservation?

 @9J3VRRBLiberal Democratanswered…6mos6MO

Investment in renewable energy which has significant environment value also greatly contributes to economic development. As such it goes hand in hand that economic development can go hand in hand with environmental conservation


How could community-led initiatives challenge or support the broader climate change narrative?



If a close friend or family member expressed climato-scepticism, how would that conversation go and how would you feel?


How would discovering a major flaw in climate science research affect your trust in other scientific fields?



To what extent do you believe political ideologies should influence scientific discussions?


climate change is there but look at the earth in its early stages it was a barron wasteland no life whatsoever but it changed on its own


If climate predictions were proven either too extreme or too mild, what would you expect from global leaders?


Fact checking and a policy of argument on the basis of properly based evidence. Honesty and transparency also very important.


If you could design a school project to explore climate change, what aspect would you focus on and why?


You don’t focus on what everyday individuals do as that will only bring about negligible change. more focus on how companies should manage energy and waste


What personal experiences or observations have led you to your current perspective on climate change?


If climate change were proven to be natural, would you feel less responsible for taking action?



Should everyone blindly trust scientific consensus without personal research, and why or why not?


Have you ever changed a habit because you learned it could be harmful to the climate, and how did that make you feel?


When have you had to explain your views on climate change to someone younger, and what challenges did you face?


If you could see the effects of climate change firsthand in a different part of the world, how do you think it would affect you?


How do weather patterns that you've experienced personally influence your opinions on climate change?


If an important aspect of your way of life was harming the environment, how would you feel and what would you do?


How do you think your culture or nationality shapes your views of what's happening with the climate?


Have you ever had to defend your position on climate change, and what did that teach you about the issue?


What would be your immediate reaction if you found out climate change impacts were not as urgent as believed?


Can you describe a moment when you questioned something a teacher or expert said about the environment?


How do you negotiate between your community's economic needs and the larger climate change concerns?


How does your personal future feel when you consider the possibility that climate experts might be wrong?


Would the discovery of past climate change inaccuracies affect your trust in current climate science, and in what way?


Imagine encountering irrefutable evidence that challenges your beliefs about climate change; what would be your next step?


What do you think is the role of individuals in countering misconceptions about climate change within their own circles?


In your opinion, what's the most compelling evidence that has influenced your current stance on climate change?


How would your approach to everyday choices change if there was more/less evidence regarding human impact on climate?


Have you noticed any climate-related changes in your locality, and what's been your immediate reaction to them?


If the main arguments against climate change were discredited, what would this mean for future discussions on the topic?


When discussing climate issues, how do you find common ground with someone who has a differing opinion?


Have extreme weather events around the world changed your thoughts on climate change; if so, how?


How does considering alternative viewpoints on climate trends impact our approach to scientific inquiry?


What are the most compelling arguments you have heard for and against the idea that humans significantly contribute to climate change?


How do you think the issue of climate change should be presented in the media to ensure a well-informed public?


Do you believe that new scientific discoveries could change the way we currently think about and respond to climate change, and if so, how?


How would you describe the relationship between economic prosperity and environmental responsibility to someone unfamiliar with the concepts?


If significant changes to our natural world are inevitable, how should society prepare for and adapt to this future?