A state-owned enterprise is a business enterprise where the government or state has significant control through full, majority, or significant minority ownership. During the 2020 Coronavirus outbreak Larry Kudlow, the White House’s top economic advisor, said the Trump administration would consider asking for an equity stake in corporations that needed taxpayer aid. “One of the ideas is, if we provide assistance, we might take an equity position,” Kudlow said Wednesday at the White House, adding that the 2008 bailout of [the automaker General Motors] had been a good deal…
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The government shouldn't be bailing out companies unless there is a significant public benefit/service they provide.
No, shares have with them a level of influence the government may have conflicting intrests with what is then in the best intrest of a company, the government should take out bonds from a company instead.
Yes if its just a financial thing, should have no weight on company decisions as long as decisions are legally compliant
Yes if the company provides government support or contracts that need to be fulfilled companies dissolved post activity
@9NW2GQJ 10mos10MO
Yes but they are required to sell after a sweet time frame. Also this should not influence with companies would bring profit by bailing out!
Yes, but these shares should be passed to citizens with interest and expertise in company areas (offered to IT Professionals for IT Companies)
No, but financial assistance should come with conditions on fair work and pay and transparent tax arrangements.
I would rather all essential industry be collectively owned by the government/citizens (water, power companies, railway, healthcare, internet, education, and related). And no industry should be "bailed out" unless it's services are still required. Private companies should only exist for luxury goods.
There should be no bailing out of companies and, if there is any, the government should acquire shares which are automatically paid off over time so the government has no stake in the company as soon as possible.
No, the government shouldn't bail out companies. In the case of utilities, etc, the government should buy as 100% share holders
@8YPK9B4 1yr1Y
Yes, but the government should be a sleeping partner and not be in a position to make decisions about how the company is run.
Yes as compensation but they shouldn't be bailing them out in the first place
No but when recession is over businesses should start to payback what they were given even if just a monthly low sum of money
@8Y7VGPHPlaid Cymru3yrs3Y
Yes, but any company bailed out should become collectively owned
I believe the company should be able to offer the government equity in return for a bail out
No, the government shouldn't bail out private company's that cannot sustain themselves.
No, and the government should not bailout companies.
No. Bailouts in corporations are a financial drain on the public sector.
No, but take a % of prophets till the debt is payed off
should nationalise more companies
No, the government should never bail out a failed company
Yes, but only to a point. Once the bailout value has been recovered +50%.
No, the government has no business being involved in for-profit businesses
Don’t know enough about this
Yes until the company is strong enough to repay government debt
The government should receive compensation back, but should not own shares of private companies
They should never bail out private companies
Reform the system so the government should never bail out companies and banks during a recession.
No, I believe that the government should help create a structure within companies of broad-based employee ownership.
Sometimes, but not to the extent shown in 2008
Companies that can't adapt and sustain themselves should be left to die.
Yes but only with the companies consent.
The government shouldn't bail out any failing businesses
The government should not bail out failing services such as banks, transport etc
The government shouldn't bail out companies, during a recession.
@9CMCDL5Liberal Democrat2yrs2Y
No, but the government should get a return on investment for any financial aid provided to companies
Companies Bailed out should be under government control.
Yes if it is reinvested into health and social care, education, cultural and environmental change.
I'm against the government owning shares of private companies per se. I just think that they shouldn't use situations to gain an advantage, or leverage etc.
No, the government should never bail companies out
The companies should be left to fail then taken into public ownership if appropriate.
The government should not interfere during recessions by bailing out companies.
the government should not bail out companies during a recession.
Nationalize the industry
@97N838KLiberal Democrat2yrs2Y
I don't have a particular stance on this issue.
No bailouts should be allowed
Yes, but only on large companies, and without political interference
No, but there should be more options for citizen oversight since it was their tax funds used to bail out the company
No but there should be other consequences
Government can completely nationalise such companies if they are of such importance that they cannot let them fall into liquidation. If they are not important enough to fully acquire them, then no public money should be wasted on a buy-out.
Yes, but any money made should be spent on education, welfare and healthcare
No, public money should not be used to bail out private, profit generating businesses.
The government should not support private companies and private companies should be abolished.
The government should not bail oit companies during recession.
No, bailouts go against the free market
No, but they should let the workers take equity stakes instead.
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