Try the political quiz

39 Replies

 @9LQ2J9Sagreed…4 days4D

I don't care if anyone agrees, I don't make the decisions, my opinion is not valid and we all know that


Police can deal with a seemingly low level incident which can develop to a major incident such as dealing with an OCG or a counter terror scenario in a matter of minutes and paired with being under equipped their ability to preserve life is greatly reduced.


The police occasionally need militaristic firepower to deal with large, unexpected incidents such as terrorist attacks. However, the police should not be allowed to use these resources for everyday policing or the policing of peaceful protests.

 @9FMFBBPLiberal Democratagreed…7mos7MO

Unless every single person can be completely trusted to not attack anyone or cause any crimes, complete removal of the police will never work to make a functional country.


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