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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...4yrs4Y



While the police do need to be monitored & reformed to make policing by consent the standard, abolishing the police doesn’t help reduce crime or improve social outcomes

 @9NB9CD9 agreed…7mos7MO

The police should be a calming measure, not a threat of violence. By asking the police to not resort to escalation, we ask them to be better at negotiation; spend the money on training for communication and de-escalation.


An Emory University did a multi-year meta study analysing the effects of militarising the police in the United States and showed no link between the militarisation and reduction in crime. THis shows pretty conclusively that such policies have nothing to do with reality and are purely vibes based.


People if colour are ten times more likely to be stopped and searched by police, now imagine how many more people of colour would be unjustly killed if those police were armed

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...4yrs4Y


 @9FMFBBPLiberal Democratagreed…1yr1Y

Unless every single person can be completely trusted to not attack anyone or cause any crimes, complete removal of the police will never work to make a functional country.


I don't care if anyone agrees, I don't make the decisions, my opinion is not valid and we all know that


Police can deal with a seemingly low level incident which can develop to a major incident such as dealing with an OCG or a counter terror scenario in a matter of minutes and paired with being under equipped their ability to preserve life is greatly reduced.


The police occasionally need militaristic firepower to deal with large, unexpected incidents such as terrorist attacks. However, the police should not be allowed to use these resources for everyday policing or the policing of peaceful protests.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...4yrs4Y

No, extreme situations should be handled by higher agencies with specialized training and equipment

 @9G9RRQQAnimal Welfaredisagreed…1yr1Y

Police officers such as Authorised Firearms Officers, Specialist Firearms Officers and Counter Terrorism-SFO receive training and equipment that is equivalent and in some cases more advanced than that of Special Forces units, and as such are a better tactical option when dealing with extreme situations. They operate with more oversight and are more accountable than operators within those units.


See America, we don’t want to normalise gun use or serious weapons in our culture. Also the process of selection and training for people who use guns should be far more selective than the normal police force.


Too high a risk to members of the public, and government officials, if weapons are not permitted to deal with major criminals or terrorists.


In the context of a terrorist attack the police would need to handle it quickly before too much damage is done, but if they are unarmed then they would be at a major disadvantage.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...4yrs4Y

Yes, but with strict training on how and when to use the equipment

 @9GD5XQ7from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

I don’t believe it is a good idea to give the police department military weapons, that is an easy way to sabotage/corrupt the department.

 @9GHHTFCfrom Pennsylvania  disagreed…1yr1Y

I don't think it is a good idea to give the police military-grade weapons as they could abuse them, and make them more corrupt.


No because people will still misuse their equipment and hurt people. They will be able to get away with it because the system sucks and is biased against certain people.

 @9NCMHKJ disagreed…7mos7MO

We live in a period where public protest and civil disobedience are being trampled upon. Even with the strictest training, militarisation of the police would only further enable this. Also, given access to this equipment would encourage police departments to use it in order to capture value for money. Among the unintended consequences of this is they possibility of creating an arms race between criminals and police leading to increased public endangerment as collateral. It is always more effective to tackle the root causes of public unrest at sources through progressive policies intended to improve social problems.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...4yrs4Y

Yes, but only in response to extreme situations

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...4yrs4Y

No, and abolish the police


The police don't actually do most of the jobs they claim to, and those that they do would be better done by other bodies. e.g. reduction in most crimes is due to social & economic factors, not crude enforcement. But what we do know is that the worst people can and will become officers in order to abuse the powers.

 @9FMFBBPLiberal Democratdisagreed…1yr1Y

Abolishing the police causes crime rates to skyrocket, and no one feels safe in the case that they are attacked.


Police are a vital part of the community and though some are bad they are a required part to keep us safe


We need the police to maintain some kind of order on society. They should be armed and given more powers


No, policing in the UK is based on the principal of ''policing by consent'' and is highly respected around the world for this as well as being an unarmed police force.


Only in extreme circumstances where people are in need of being protected. I would argue that a lot of military grade equipment and police brutality is abused in this country, and targets a lot of people who often are completely peaceful. It’s abused.


In my opinion, no because it could severely injure/murder someone when they didn’t do something of that high of a level, but if necessary yes.


No the police should not be using military weapons, however we should take mightier action on crime like robbery, assault, including sexual assault etc

 @9ZLXMSXfrom Illinois  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but only in extreme situations, along with strict training on how and when to use the equipment


Multiple agencies are needed, and TRAUMA INFORMED CARE AND RESPONDERS are needed. Police should not be the go-to for everything. ALSO OVERHAUL AND RE-TRAIN POLICE, because currently they are dangerous, not helpful.


Only to be used by highly trained Officers in extreme Situations where the military can not be present


Only if it is the last corse of action because of the harm it can cause others not just the offender. Should be a last resort

 @9TZQX28from Missouri  answered…3mos3MO

I want the police department to use military grade equipment, only when they know how to use it effectively, and have strict training. And only when the situation calls it.


If a friend expressed fear of going to a protest because of heavily armed police, what advice would you give them?

 @9TKFCNFLiberal Democratanswered…4mos4MO

You should go to the protest if you deeply feel about the cause but, why would there be police there if it was a peaceful cause, surely you should not be supporting something that uses potential violence to argue their point.


Yes, but make it only for national emergencies ( eg the 2024 Southport riots ) and make mandatory military equipment training programs for officers.


Yes but only one armed unit per county which would only be deployed in one of these circumstances, the offender or suspect is armed 2. Mass disorder in public which is to large be dismantled by normal Police or a hostage situation where the suspect poses a threat to life.


Due to the current counter terrorism threats across the world. I believe specialist counter terrorism teams that have CTSFOs in them should have access to military grade equipment such as armored vehicles, breaching explosives and high calibre weapons to neutralise any terrorist threats and act as a deterrent to terrorism.


Yes, but only in extreme situations and if they kill someone and it was deemed unlawful or unjust they should get a 1st degree murder prison sentence.

The problem with outsourcing extreme situations to private sector or organisations is that it would become to easy for them to get to large and turn into a armed militia and become corrupt and engage in martial law

 @9QLTD8MLiberal Democratanswered…6mos6MO

No. At present the police have been proven to be unreliable when it comes to important decisions and military-grade equipment should be left for trained military personnel.


Only if the general populace also have access to military grade (and higher) equipment. An armed populace is a safe populace.

 @9QKD9T9from Hyogo  answered…6mos6MO

The question and commentary are misleading. The normal police officer in UK does not need to carry a gun, but the weaponised police officers can use military grade equipment. (Maybe the question asked is bad)


No, tasers or other temporary incapacitating means only. Nothing that permanently damages someone's physical or mental health.


Military focus on environmental projects & be on hand for all emergency. More land army and diffrent degrees of training depending on aptitude and interest.


Military grade means cheap as possible with barely enough quality for mass production. Police should do better.


Yes but only with strict training and under circumstances that demand the use of military grade equipment. Every time the equipment is used there has to be a committee to review the situation


The police should be allowed to use such items but only in response to extreme situations with training on how and when to use the equipment to ensure there is no misuse, they should also have assistance from special agencies if not more of the agency dealing with such circumstances and less police.


Yes but only in response to extreme situations along side strict training on how and when to use the equipment


Only in extreme situations and only by Specialist Firearms Officers, not part of everyday policing. We don't want to end up like America.


I think they should have little guns but not on show so it doesn't intimidate anyone but in case of emergency they can get them out


There guns should be attatched to them buy a metal spring so no one else takes it also the gun should be small


I would generally say no, it should be handled by higher agencies with specialised training but I don't have enough knowledge or understanding on this subject to form an opinion on it


No, British police police by consent. Specialists within the forfe should be used for special equipment like dogs, guns, horses, bicycles, helicopters, etc.


Yes, but with strong training, only for extreme situations, and only for select people (e.g. leutenant)

 @9PXCL7ZWorkers of Britainanswered…6mos6MO

i think yes with two options as they should have strict training with the equipment but in very serious and dangerous situations


Yes but with specialised officers as back up and training for the front line officers to use whilst they wait for backup to show.

 @9PQ4JW5Liberal Democratanswered…7mos7MO

yes, only in extreme situations and only to officers who have undergone the correct training and passed exams each year

 @9PQ45XTfrom Nicosia  answered…7mos7MO

Police should be allowed to police. Military grade equipment should be exclusively used by the military. I strongly believe in coworking between the two organisations. I also feel that the police do not carry the same deterrent to the public and this needs to change. Perhaps the military may be able to play a role here


They already do use military grade equipment. In many cases better equipment. This is a stupid question.


They already have better equipment. They don't need tanks or armoured guns. The army will be used in those sinareos.


Yes, but only by trained officers who should be on call if they're needed and only in extreme situations when there's no other solution


Military grade equipment is a meaningless and non-specific term. Literally anything can be "military grade". This is a poor question.

 @9PLDZTKConservative answered…7mos7MO

No, it is a very slippery slope to a police state. We need to maintain the historical unarmed police officer, but with the specialist departments we currently have well seemed but not pseudo soldiers


I believe they should have something like a pistol with high training and can only use it to protect a life


The police cannot be trusted in normal day to day activities, let alone if they have military grade equipment


Yes however all police to go through a strict regime of ju jitsu training and strict mental health screening.


i think they should only be allowed in severely extreme situations and if they themselves are at risk however i think they should only be used to slightly harm and not severely injure.


There is a danger of giving the police too much power and taking away people's freedoms I.e. people's right to protest etc.

 @9PBB3DQLiberal Democratanswered…7mos7MO

The quality of police officers and constables in-service and being recruited needs to dramatically improve before this is even a consideration.


With the proper training provided and the correct knowledge of knowing their own laws yes if they don’t have this then definitely not as it doesn’t take much to be able to become a part of the police department.

 @9P6ZCMGLiberal Democratanswered…7mos7MO

No, extreme situations should be dealt with by those with specialised training and equipment but the technology the military has should be made accessible to the police department


Oh FFS. A Fisher Space Pen is military grade. Should police departments be allowed to use nice biros? Yes. Should they be abolished? Also yes.


In more cases then what is now, only allow certian personel that have had extreme training and show no panick in situiations. Base it on how they have acted in previous circumstances and if they meet the requirements they can go into training, dont give it to people that wouldn’t abuse the power and panick in situations


No, in the UK we police by consent. Police may need specialist equipment such as horses, guns, ships, bicycles, climbing gear, for special tasks but these should inly be used by people trained for specialised roles.

 @9NYTYQ8 answered…7mos7MO

Yes, but only in extreme cases and with regular, specialized training and equipment. And by officers with exemplary records.


Yes, but their use should be heavily monitored and never used on peaceful protests, we should also allow protests without permission from the government.


Only to well-trained officers, the problem with American officers, some of them feel like they have power and use it against people.


I am confused about the question- are Authorised Firearms Officers being counted as police departments here? If so, we have the correct system.


No because the police aren't currently capable of dealing with small crimes effectively and already think themselves above the law they can't be trusted or capable to handle military grade equipment


No imagine Hope many more black people will be shot the polive can't control themselves as it is imagine if they were armed so many people would be dead


I believe that if something is serious enough that the police feel as though they need to take EXTREME action, the military should be bought in EXAMPLE at the England Euro Finals


Military grade weapons should only refer to automatic rifles no further weapons should be used in a civilian situation. And in these cases they should be for cases of terrorism


The Met police should be converted into a national FBI style force who look after national issues and tbe London police expanded to look after the current area covered by the Met.


Yes, the police force should be privatised, and that should be decided on a company-to-company basis


Yes, only in response to ultimate life threatening situations and with the correct and proper training on how and when to use


There is no such thing as military grade, items used by armed and uniformed services are produced on mass at the cheapest possible price point for the producer


Ideally Yes but the threshold and training for police should be greater and more mental health assessments. (I have witnessed police behave appallingly provoking behaviour and hitting people, I would be concerned about some officers being armed, others I would be relieved in the event of something bad happening).


Yes, but only in response to extreme situations But they should not carry military grade equipment with them


Police should be allowed to use military grade equipment only with strict, complete training. They should know when to use the equipment, and how to handle it. It should only be allowed in extreme situations.


No and defund the police to allow for other agencies to support society in a more beneficial way. I.e. through education, mental health, welfare, housing, social services etc

 @9K36NFDfrom Istanbul  answered…11mos11MO

Extreme situations and strict training on how and when to use the equipment should be enforced. There should also be a strict military grade equipment regulation to ensure that none of the public/people who do not work for the police can get access to equipment.


yes, but only under the circumstance that the special agencies mentioned need backup, so therefore only under incredibly bad circumstances


Yes , as long as they are trained correctly and are medically checked physically and mentally more than once a year. Also , they can only use it in extreme situations such as a terrorist attack.


Not regular officers, no. only specially trained units and only in response to extreme situation in which it is required


Yes, in extreme situations, however for the miss use of any of the equipment, or bystander injury or excessive force should be delt with as an assault with deadly weapons charge by the full extent of the justice system

 @9HMFC95 answered…1yr1Y

Not in the current way the police handles things. Too much political bias and two tiered policing, should be handled by independents highly trained and non contested


Yes, but with strict training on how and when to use euipment and only in response to extreme situations. And only senior/police who have been in the force for a long time and have a ‘clean record’.


Yes but strict training and safety measure need to be imposed. Therapy and support for staff and members of the public impacted.


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