Try the political quiz

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How important is it for you that political leaders reflect the diversity of their constituents, and why?


Can you think of a time when you had to stand up for a value you hold dear; what was the outcome?


In what ways do you believe healthcare should be managed to ensure fairness and quality for everyone?


How would you feel about a policy that places environmental conservation above economic growth?


What does 'freedom of speech' mean to you, and where do you think we should draw the line between expression and regulation?


How does the idea of a 'universal basic income' resonate with your own views on financial stability and employment?


What's one change you would advocate for in education, and how might it impact future generations?


If you could prioritize one value for your community, what would it be and why?


Have you ever experienced a political decision that directly affected your everyday life; how did it make you feel?


How would you feel if your local policy favored public transportation over personal car use?


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