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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y


 @9GRJYXSLabourfrom Maine  agreed…1yr1Y

Covid killed many people. Many of these were preventable deaths and if the vaccination was mandated then there's less chance of it spreading.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

No, I think businesses should require vaccination but not by government mandate

 @9GRJYXSLabourfrom Maine  disagreed…1yr1Y

Businesses would try to skirt around the policy if it wasn't mandated because it would cost them and they'd lose profits.


There should be a yearly fine for people who aren't vaccinated over the age of 18 but only a requirement to be vaccinated in the medical business.


Everybody should take part in a nationwide vaccine program where everybody is vaccinated against nearly every diesase.

 @B2PJ87YWomen's Equality from Guam  answered…1mo1MO

Should the ethier is bussiness issues by u.s president in person test pass significant etc is included parties labour party leader installed vaccination non allowed process


Mostly yes, but people with needle phobia or possible health problems after an injection should be exempt


No, and I think we should sue Pfizer & Biontech for pushing onto the population an unverified and untested vaccine variant


It should be mandatory for employees to be vaccinated if they come into contact with members of the public.

 @9TWYQ87from Maine  answered…6mos6MO

No, and any business mandating any form of medical procedures upon its employees should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.


should not be a requirement but would be heavily suggested, whatever they want to do with their bodies is up to them, their body and their choice but should be informed on the risks.


Yes, if that business requires workers to engage with vulnerable individuals (e.g. healthcare or social care)


Depends on circumstances. Just because they work for a large organisation does not mean they come in to contact with people.


If people have natural immunity then or are at risk e.g. stroke, blood clots etc. no, but others if safe yes.


No, the government shouldn't control our bodies when it comes to vaccines, but we should let companies decide whether it should be mandated or optional for its employees.


No but unvaccinated people should use private medical insurance or other means of funding if the require treatment from any preventable disease.


Yes, with exceptions to people with reasonable worries about the vaccine and agree to take extra precaution to prevent spreading (e.g. regular testing, wearing masks when sick)


vaccination should not be mandated. People are experiencing detrimental side effects since and the Government is denying any issues with the rushed vaccinations that usually take years to develop.


It must be brought to light with debate, studies & ‘truth’ the risks involved with mandated vaccination by medically qualified, impartial sectors.


No because everyone has their own autonomy but yes in order to prevent further deaths caused by Covid


Yes, but be aware that some may have health issues that make it inadvisable to be vaccinated for covid


The deciding factor in requiring vaccination should not be the size of the business, but how much increased risk would be caused by not being vaccinated. Anybody who works in healthcare, education, shops or large offices should be required to vaccinate. If who work from home or in outside settings, the risk to others is much lower.


Some jobs should legally require vaccination due to the nature of the work (eg healthcare), but the size of the employer isn't relevant.


No, the companies should have the power to add it to peoples contracts, and the government should put it in all contracts of their workers


Not any more but should retain the option to mandate vaccination if new strains or new viruses etc threaten public health on an epidemic scale


No, this would be discriminatory for those that cannot have the vaccine/any other health requirement


Not until we know the long-term effects but businesses should not be penalised for restricting work for people who refuse to be vaccinated in order to provide a safer environment for everyone


I think vaccination is important though choice given a low infection rate needs to be considered for individuals.


No, I support vaccination, but it should be by choice. Mass information and counter-misinformation campaigns would be better


Large businesses should encourage vaccination for lots of preventable disease, especially when working in close quarters


Vaccination should be Job Specific. If the Job Role requires it for the protection of the staff member and the staff, then it should be required. Should not however be mandated, but a choice by the employee. Should they decline, Reasonable Adjustments should be made were possible but Job Offer or Employment should be reviewed and either rescinded, terminated or re-deployed.


there is proof that the covid vaccines are actually not beneficial and have other-more serious- side effects so i don't think anyone should get the vaccine


I think during an epidemic or pandemic, all health, education, and social care workers, should be required to be vaccinated unless medically contraindicated for the individual.


No, but if vaccination is needed by law it should apply to anyone working under the home ground, not just for businesses


Yes, unless they have a religious belief or health problem that means that they cannot, or believe that they should not, have vaccines.


i think it should be an obligation as a Human of Earth that if you CAN receive the vaccine (without medical repurcussion, for example) then you should


No, vaccination for Covid is like flu vaccination and should be a choice. It’s different from childhood vaccination


This might be appropriate where employees are customer facing such a social care,public transport taxis


Yes, unless they cannot for health reasons. Furthermore Employees could be offered the opportunity to wear masks instead, ones which could be of a state mandated quality.


Healthcare and education workers should be vaccinated unless they have health complications. However, you should be allowed to be discriminated against if you do not vaccinate (for anything) without having a valid health reason not to.

 @9JXLSQC answered…1yr1Y

Vaccination should be an individual choice as per the Geneva Convention regarding medical procedures and individual choice


Yes, but allow exceptions for those with medical reasons that mean they cannot have the vaccine e.g. immunosuppressed


No, but the government should encourage that the employees of large businesses are vaccinated from COVID.


I think it should be encouraged and in some fields required however in most fields it should be left to a final decision of the individual


No, because the COVID vaccine is proving to be dangerous to health in certain ways (eg those with cardiovascular problems).


No. Vaccination should never be mandated for anyone to work or attend school or places of education. Vaccines carry rare but real risk of injury. Whether or not to be vaccinated should be down to individual choice.


It should be recommended but you cannot force people to do something just because the government says you have to


No, only by specific businesses where being unvaccinated has lethal implications for others, such as NHS work.

 @9RKBWGFLiberal Democratanswered…8mos8MO

Companies should be allowed to mandate it but they should not be required to, and the government should have no role in it


Yes, but with exemptions for medical and religious reasons, and providing robust public education and support programs


Nobody should be vaccinated against their own will, neither should this impair any part of their normal life.


Every person has the right to decide what goes in their bodies and shouldn't have to sacrifice any part of life for this right


I think it's up to the businessman or woman for their vaccinations to be taken place. Freedom of choice is the only answer to this question.


This is no longer relevant for COVID but should certainly be the default policy for the next pandemic


Yes, but include exceptions based on NHS advise for people that have already contracted the virus to decrease risk of vaccine side effects caused by an augmented inflammantory response.


No but they should provide pods with air filters, hike working and outdoors networking events for vulnerable people, along with mandatory testing for the whole team


A list of mandatory vaccinations for adults should be established to protect the public, COVID is just one of many vaccinations that should be required of every adult member of the public.


I’m happy with the government mandating vaccination for benefit of the wider population I don’t think it should be linked to large businesses. If it is necessary pass a law targeted at the correct groups, not people who happen to be employed by a large business


If the Gov wanted to do that, they should make it mandaroty for all businesses and not just the big ones.


Since covid ain't all that relevant anymore, replace covid with any recent or concerning viral outbreak, but it should be under the jurisdiction of each individual business


No, our response to covid cost lives, there should be no forced vaccination for something the human body was designed to fight. I'm all for vaccines but not like this.


Absolutely not! Covid is nothing but a massive experiment, and the vaccine is dangerous, leading to fatal consequences. We should not be tampering with people's DNA and RNA. It's been proven to cause strokes, myocarditis, infertility, and a multitude of other severe health problems.


No because covid is one big experiment and the vaccine kills!!! It causes strokes abd nyocarditis infertility and naby other diseases and health issues


I believe that it should be encouraged and educated however I understand not everyone can be vaccinated

 @9MZXYGX answered…10mos10MO

It's a personal choice. You cannot force people to be vaccinated just because they work for a specific large business. would be entirely unfair and unethical if they were to lose their job because they didn't agree with getting a vaccine


Angry at people who take the benefit gained by others being prepared to risk vaccination. We a!l should contribute as a!l benefit


No, but the government should require vaccination by type of work based on frequent customer contact


Its so selfish of some individuals to expect to gain protection by others taking the risk of vaccination ditto for MMR ,(no entry to education without vacination) and other vital vaccinations

 @9G5Z4W4 answered…1yr1Y

People should never be forced to be vaccinated but they should not be allowed to use public services - such as buses and schools - if they are not vaccinated unless they have a healthcare reason.

 @9FXWRH6 answered…1yr1Y

If the business involves interacting with the public, then it should be recommended by the business, not required.


Yes, for those that have to interact with lots of people in a given day for their job, with medical exceptions of course


I think no individual should be forced to have an invasive treatment or medication in order to do their profession


Encourage it, you can’t force anyone to take a vaccine but there should be some form of penalisation for unvaccinated employees who choose to not take the vaccine


No, COVID is not a dangerous disease for the overwhelming majority, so unlike vaccination for things like meningitis, this should be optional


No but thorough science based education required given the lack of knowledge of virus risk throughout the population



No, most people should get vaccinated but some people have legitimate concerns.


There is no vaccine from covid. This has been proven. There is also still no vaccine from hiv or ebola.


No, but employees should not be forced to be around unvaccinated people


No definitive stance. Under a public healthcare system the government kind of has the right to mandate vaccination, especially during a public health crisis. However, I don't like it.


No, but should not do business with companies with unactivated staff which presents a risk to fulfilment of government business


Covid has not been shown to kill as many people as intended, with a lot of unknown deaths being linked to covid. I believe in mandatory vaccinations for diseases that have been PROVEN killers.


No, Covid Vaccinations are fast being proven to not only be ineffective, but actually damaging to human health.


Requiring this goes against any choice we get. Choice and free will are taken away if measures like this are implemented


Affordable private Covid vaccines should be available but not mandatory and businesses could choose to pay for their employees to be vaccinated as per flu jab


No, but employees of organisations where providing healthcare is paramount should be required to be vaccinated (I.E. NHS).


The covid vaccine provides no sterilisation and does not mitigate spread or benefit others. it also has side effects so should never be mandatory.


What are your thoughts on balancing public health safety with personal freedom to choose medical procedures?



Only for certain jobs; working in schools, care and medical settings, and also jobs requiring visiting people at home.


Depends on whether this becomes a danger to the nations health again, but even then it should only apply to certain fields (notably the NHS)


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