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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y



NATO is historically designed to protect from Soviet advancement into democratic territories. The Soviet Union may be no more but Russia is behaving like a dictatorship that wants more territory. Ukraine have paid the price of this and deserve greater protection from this happening in the future.
We are already helping them out but if we had a treaty in place offering more than just financial aid and supplies Putin would never have tried this to begin with.


A counter-argument to the "Yes" position on Ukraine joining NATO is that Ukraine should not become a NATO member at this time. One concern is that Ukraine's accession to the alliance could further escalate geopolitical tensions between NATO member countries and Russia, potentially increasing the risk of military conflict in the region. Given the complex historical background of Ukraine's relationship with Russia, NATO membership might be perceived as provocative by Moscow, potentially hindering diplomatic efforts to resolve ongoing conflicts in Eastern Ukraine. There is…  Read more


It would create a higher risk of more countries being dragged into the Russia-Ukraine war which could eventually lead to a world war.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y



We have a responsibility to defend democracy, especially against expansionist authoritarian countries.


It's the defense of a democratic nation, and nations deserve to be sovereign. Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for it's freedom from Russia. We are not wasting any NATO lives whilst crippling the ability of Europe's greatest enemy.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

No, this should be decided after the current war ends so we avoid a third world war


There's nothing to stop Russia from trying again after this war. They invaded Crimea and Georgia in previous years, we need to stand strong against them and send a clear message of that strength.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

No, and abolish NATO


The existence of NATO has prevented incursions and expansion by Russia/The Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact, if Ukraine were a NATO member they would not have been invaded.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

No, there is too much corruption in Ukraine


Nato may not want to accept ukraine into nato beacuse smaller cOuntries might not want to vote them in beacuse they fear of ukraines enemy,s russia so they wont vote for ukraine beacuse they are weaker countries and are scared


Yes, on the condition that other members do not have to directly intervene into the current war, only conflicts comencing after the current war ends.


They are an independent country and it should their own decision whether they wish to or not, without threat or coercion from any other nation.


If Ukraine, via its democratic leaders, choose to join then they should be allowed to. If the populous is against such a move, then they shouldn't.


Ideally yes they should be able to join NATO, however, they should hold off on this decision as it has influenced Russia's decision to invade Ukraine.


NO! The US and allies promised NOT to expand NATO eastwards and they have done the exact opposite in the face of Mr Putin!! They are to blame for the current situation!!


No ,countries bordeing Russia should neither be allowed to join NATO nor a military alliance with Russia, they should remian militarily neutral to avoid escalating tensions.


This is a decision for Ukraine but if they chose to apply for membership they should have UK support

 @9NYTYQ8 answered…7mos7MO

Yes, but possibly after the conflict with Russia. I feel that they have the right to join, but I’m obviously concerned it would escalate problems with Russia.


This should be based on the potential geopolitical issues that may be caused. The expansion of NATO could result in a world war if not managed correctly.


No, Russia have always maintained alliance borders whilst NATO have expanded to borders of them causing Russia to act aggressively


Yes, and provide incentives to Ukraine to stop the war, but make Ukraine join after the current war ends and there is a permanent ceasefire in this war.


Yes, assuming there’s popular support in Ukraine, and once the country is stabilised and can show a trajectory of reducing corruption etc.


Yes but only if non Ukrainian Nato forces are not based in Ukraine. Also if there is a large de militarized zone between Ukraine and Russia/Belarus

 @9PWDD5L answered…7mos7MO

No as this will only provoke Russia and its allies. Keep Ukraine as a close ally and firther relationships with other agreements but keep them from officially joining as to not aggregate Russia further


Yes, however, Ukraine needs to understand that a conclusion must be met in order for them to join and they have too much corruption.


Yes, after the current Russian invasion is over, and if they democratically ask for it and meet the required criteria.

 @9PHKKRWReform UK answered…7mos7MO

No, this only escalates the situation. We should be working to build a working relationship with Russia.


Yes, but only after the current war ends to minimise escalation, with the proviso that Ukraine should continue to receive robust support from NATO in the meantime


Long term yes, but they should not be able to bypass the rules that determine the right to join for all other countries


The point of organisations like NATO is to stop conflict and keep the peace. Ukraine should have joined NATO before they were attacked by Russia. Allowing Ukraine to join NATO now or after the end of the war will only cause more tensions between NATO and Russia. Putin is wasting a lot of Russian lives. This will only stop once he and the top leadership of Russia are out of the picture


That's up to Ukraine, but if they do apply NATO members need to be aware of how logistically difficult it would be to defend them in the event of another war.


Yes, but only once the conflict is over, we are already helping with funds and equipment, we can’t start sending our boys and girls too at this moment


The protection of Ukraine is vital to countering Russia in its expansion into Europe and former members of the Soviet Union/Warsaw Pact. Countries are not able to join NATO if they have current on going border crises. Ukraine has one in the East of Ukraine. Only after this has been resolved should Ukraine be allowed into NATO.

 @9NQXBCQLabour answered…7mos7MO

We should be aware of Russia's red line.Let them join the EU BUT stipulate that any future aggression will automatically be treated as a trigger and Ukraine will be seen as a NATO country


Yes, but only when the current war is over, otherwise NATO is actively choosing to join a current war, which is not why it was set up.


Yes, but only if Ukraine can demonstrate that they can control their levels of corruption within their government


It's none of our business what Ukraine does after the war and we should leave NATO and let Ukraine decide for itself.


I do believe that if America gets involved, there would be a higher chance at a World War 3, but I don't believe that Russia should be allowed to invade other countries with no consequence. Therefore, I do think that the UK and other NATO countries should work an arrangement between Russia and Ukraine.


At the moment is not the correct time. Ukraine is still engaged in a conflict with Russia and there's still concerns over corruption within the Ukrainian government.


Yes. The more countries in NATO the better. But in saying that, it should be democratic nations only.

 @9HCLJ22Women's Equalityanswered…1yr1Y

Yes, as soon as it is possible for them to do so without creating a far larger war, and in the meantime NATO should work to lend as much aid to Ukraine as they can.


After discussing with the russians, depends on what terms russians agree one, UK shoulnt risk tension and war with russia just for a corrupt and country poorer that africa to join NATO


No, there is too much corruption in Ukraine, this should be decided after the current war ends. This won't immediately escalate into a third world war, but it would certainly increase tensions and hostilities


This is largely up to NATO and Ukraine. I see little value and great danger with each side strengthening and opposing



Not without inviting Russia to join. Ukraine would not be at war if it wasn't for NATO



This should be decided after the current war ends so we avoid world war three


They should join NATO but we should not get involved in the current conflict to protect against WW3.


I don’t personally feel that anyone other than Ukrainians should answer this question as it is their country


There should be a boarder between NATO and Russia. Those countries who have joined and broken that boarder should be removed.


They should be allowed to join NATO if they chose to, they are an independent country


Whoever wants to join the NATO should be allowed to join and whoever wants to leave the NATO should be allowed to leave



They should have a vote when it's next possible and NATO should provide support where possible.


Yes, but on the condition that they adhere to human rights policies internally.


If Ukraine wishes to join. It's a decision for the people of the country.


If they want to then they should. If they don't want to then they shouldn't. They should not be forced either way.



No, but only if Russia and Ukraine strike a deal not to ever attack each other


Ukraine doesn't have to join NATO but as long it is safe from any military occupation from either sides and is left alone, then all is well


if they want to and if they meet the criteria that other existing countries have agreed to


No, this will only lead to more hostilities the Russians already feel their backs are against the wall


 @93V6RQ3Liberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

No, Ukraine joining NATO - especially given the current situation there - will start WWIII, however, some form of defence cooperation agreement should be made up and it should still join the EU


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