Try the political quiz

168 Replies


If there were no regulations on media, how do you think it would affect the quality and reliability of the news you receive?


I think that there would be a lot of false media and a lot of information leaked about famous and influential peoples personal lives that may be should not have been shared.


What kind of community support do you believe could be more effective than government initiatives in helping the unemployed or underemployed?

 @9L9QXRZSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

Training programmes and career support sessions for youths would aim to fix the unemployment problem in 16-25 year olds and wave of migration from the UK


How would you propose individuals handle their retirement savings without government-regulated pension plans?


I would not agree with the notion of limiting government in this area - welfarism is a necessity.


What personal experiences have led you to value or question the level of government involvement in your life?


trying to seek healthcare as a transgender person in the NHS, there are so many barriers and it at every step there is a delay and radio silence.


Do you think the quality of roads and public transportation would be better or worse without government funding?


I think in today’s liberal Democratic world, e need to be protecting the planet, animals and people. Which means not letting economics and growth grow to the point of running the planet. We have a duty to protect and undo human-kinds wrongs. A capitalise society will not do that; any more than locusts will leave a portion of the field behind for the humans who planted it. It will ultimately save humans as well.


How would your personal approach to maintaining health and wellness adapt if there were no public health campaigns or guidelines?


We should really full more on or selfs to keep fit & healthy it isn’t anyone else’s fault


If government sports and arts funding were cut, how would you and your peers keep these activities alive?


By simply making stuff ourselves, for me personally I’d invest in a drawing tablet and create digital art or invest in mixed media art with my own personal money, and most likely share it on social media to try and spread it for others to see and enjoy.


How would your approach to education change if you had complete freedom to design your own learning path?


My approach to education would be a lot less exam based. I personally have struggles with writing and timed pressure questions while I was completing my A-levels. I found that the coursework based subjects were much more intuitive and I learnt much more from than the exam based subjects that I was assigned.


How would you and your friends address issues like bullying or academic pressure without school policies guiding you?


I would put in place more to find out why people bully and to prevent it from happening in the first place. As someone who was massively bullied at school for not being interested in popular trends, I felt very outcast and found the schools that I went to did very little to help me or even prevent this in the first place.


How would the dynamics of your family or home life be affected if there were no governmental child care or family support programs?


Could the absence of government broadcasting regulations lead to more diverse and independent media, and if so, how?


How would you preserve cultural and historical knowledge in your community without government-run museums and archives?


How would losing government-funded scholarships or grants affect your educational planning and future?


In what ways do you think the absence of government intervention could result in more personalized approaches to housing and living situations?


How would you and your peers address issues like cyberbullying or online safety in a school environment with minimal administrative regulations?


Imagine a day in your life without government-operated transportation; how would you navigate your world?


How do you think individuals' charitable actions would change if there were no tax incentives for donations?


If you were entrusted with safeguarding wildlife in your area, what creative strategies would you use in the absence of government regulations?


How would non-regulated online communities police themselves against misinformation and harmful content?


What measures could a community take to ensure fair housing practices without governmental housing regulations?


Can you share a story where a community problem was solved without government help, and what was the outcome?


In what ways do you think social norms and behaviors would shift if there were fewer governmental influences?


How can citizens without government aid provide a safety net for the vulnerable members of their community?


What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of a society where everyone decides the extent of their education?


Can you suggest alternative, non-governmental ways of upholding consumer protection and product safety standards?


How would a reduction in government-funded scientific research affect our understanding of the world and universe?


How might a smaller government affect your future career aspirations and the opportunities available to you?


What are the primary qualities you think a leader should have in a community with limited governance?


How would your access to entertainment and media content change if no regulations were governing them?


If you had to take on a role typically handled by the government, which one would you choose and why?


What role do you envision for technology in a world with minimally involved government administrations?


Without governmental healthcare, how would you and your family manage your health and wellbeing?


What innovative methods could schools adopt to ensure quality education without state curriculum standards?


Can a society where members solely depend on each other's generosity to alleviate poverty function effectively?


If you were to create a new currency system with your friends, how would you keep it fair and reliable without government oversight?


Describe a moment when you wished for more self-governance over a decision that was constrained by rules.


What are ways in which your community could self-regulate environmental protection without government intervention?


How might your daily routine be altered if local government didn't maintain public spaces like parks and roads?


How has a personal experience with freedom or restriction shaped your views on the role of government in everyday life?


How do you think your daily life would change if you were responsible for your own online data privacy without any government regulations?


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