Try the political quiz

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How would social media and online communities evolve if commercial interests were removed from the equation?


healthier human driven content based on real world needs and interractions


As a volunteer for a cause you care about, how would you motivate others without financial incentives?



How might the concept of 'success' be redefined in a society that doesn't prioritize financial gain?


Success in living free lives without censorship or extreme Government control.


What creative solutions can you propose for allocating scarce resources without relying on money?


I think it would be a good idea to try and make some things like medicine less expensive


How would the relationship between work and leisure change if both were considered equally important in society?


Communism in theory works great but in practice never ends well so I think it’s something to leave in the past


How would you conceptualize 'ownership' if everything was collectively owned and managed?


How would 'achievement' be celebrated in a society that doesn't value accumulation of wealth?


Communism is the most evil form of government drempt up, it should be given the same credence as neo-nazism


What unique skills or knowledge would you want to teach others in a collaborative learning environment?


How would you envision a typical family dinner in a community that emphasizes shared meals and collective nourishment?


How would 'success' stories be told and what attributes would be highlighted if we lived in a society without wealth-based status?


If all citizens had equal say in matters of state, how might government policies and public projects differ from today?


What would be the impact on personal relationships if societal structures were no longer defined by economic status?


If societal roles were not based on economic output or educational background, how might people come to choose their paths?


How would our diet and food choices change if the production of food was based on communal health rather than profit?


What could day-to-day commerce look like if trade and barter systems took precedence over currency transactions?


How might the experience of traveling and exploring different cultures be transformed in a society that emphasizes sharing and unity?


If the role of a government was solely to ensure equality and common welfare, what policies would you prioritize?


What kind of leadership would be necessary in a world that values the collective over individual power?


If mentorship and knowledge-sharing replaced competition in your school or workplace, how would your goals or strategies for success change?


If class distinctions were removed, how would that affect the dynamics and interactions within your current social circle?


What kind of social structures or institutions would you envision in a community-centric world?


In an equal society, how do you picture the arts and self-expression evolving without the lure of fame or fortune?


What potential innovations might arise when people work collaboratively across different fields and specializations?


In what ways do we currently see community values overshadowing individualism, and how can we expand on those examples?


How would the concept of ambition be redefined in a society where everyone's basic needs are met?


How could we address the needs of vulnerable populations in a world where everyone is supposed to be equal?


If resources were unlimited, what project would you undertake for the betterment of your community?


How would recognition of individual efforts manifest in a society where all contributions are seen as equally important?


What kind of legacy would you aim to leave in a world where wealth isn't a measure of impact?


What personal qualities do you think would be most valuable in a Neo-Communist society?


How would the concept of family change if raising children became a community responsibility?


In what ways does the idea of shared ownership appeal to you or concern you?


How do you envision the role of education in a world where knowledge is shared and accessible to all?


Imagine if all careers were valued equally; how would that influence your choice of profession?


Can you think of an instance where collective action resolved an issue more effectively than individual effort?


What is a primary challenge you would expect to face in a system where resources are evenly shared?


How would your aspirations be influenced by living in an environment where cooperation is valued over competition?


What might motivate someone to excel in their field if not for financial rewards or status?


What in your life would you prioritize if working hours were reduced to allow more time for community engagement?


How would societal values change if the main goal was the betterment of the community over the individual?


If your successes couldn't be quantified by wealth or possessions, how would you measure them?


What might a typical day look like if you spent the same amount of time contributing to society as you did on personal activities?


How would you expect relationships between countries to change if a Neo-Communist approach were globally adopted?


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