Try the political quiz

205 Replies


How does being part of a diverse community shape your approach to personal and collective challenges?


We are now too diverse, sometimes feel foriegn being white in my own country. Feel in minority when my opinions are sought.


How have different cultural traditions you've encountered enriched your personal life?


I have learnt more about different people and cultures, this gives me a greater understanding of the people in this world, and how unique we all are.


Why is it important to you that society supports both the arts and sciences?

 @9J7YSMJfrom 00 answered…6mos6MO

I support arts, science, culture, church, humanitarian aid, medicine and others things which is more or less universal good and universal good and universal rights and good for building my country and nations and give others more or lees equal rights,


How can we balance personal ambitions with the needs of the community without feeling like we're sacrificing our dreams?


Allow people to dream without fully focusing on them and not on the needs of the community.


What does ‘living consciously’ mean to you in terms of the choices you make every day?


were you can think and are not controlled/manipulated t do everything you are told ay a certain person


Have you ever had to compromise your personal desires for the greater good; what did you learn from that?


How does empathy play a role in improving social justice in our communities?


How does helping someone else contribute to your own sense of purpose?


What role do you think nourishing your spiritual side plays in community engagement?


How do you approach making a decision when it has both personal and community implications?


How might an athlete balance their personal ambition with promoting positive values in their community?


What unique tradition from your or another culture do you think could benefit society as a whole and why?


How do you envision technology being used to create stronger bonds within your community?


Have you ever altered your personal goal to better align with your community's values; what motivated the change?


What aspects of different cultures around you do you find most enriching to your personal life?


How would adopting a more integrated approach to life affect the choices you make regarding technology and media consumption?


What role do you think compassion should play in our political and economic systems?


How does your perception of societal needs influence your career aspirations or life choices?


What does 'mindful living' mean to you, and how do you practice it in the pursuit of personal and societal harmony?


Can you share a personal experience that highlights the strength found in diversity?


What acts of kindness have you both given and received that made a real difference in the community around you?


When did you last witness or participate in a collective effort that successfully bridged diverse backgrounds?


What does it mean to prioritize the well-being of future generations in your everyday decisions?


How can we create spaces where everyone feels valued and heard?


In what small but meaningful ways can you engage with different cultures in your everyday life?


What daily action could you take to promote a more peaceful and just world?


How could your favorite hobby or interest benefit others in your community?


How does the wellness of the environment affect your own quality of life?


How would your school or work environment transform if everyone acted with compassion?


When have you felt most connected to the larger human community, and why?


How does listening actively to others enrich your life and perspectives?


What is one daily action you believe could lead to significant societal change over time?


Describe an instance where embracing diversity has brought strength and resilience into your environment.


How does the concept of ‘giving back’ to the community resonate with you?


Reflect on a time when respecting another’s culture taught you something valuable.


What does ‘acting for the common good’ mean to you in practice?


How do you find purpose and fulfillment beyond material success?


If you were to choose one value to strengthen in your community, what would it be and why?


How has a moment of personal crisis influenced your understanding of what really matters in society?


What is one quality you admire in others that you believe contributes to a better society?


What does building a supportive and inclusive community look like on a practical level to you?


What actions do you take daily that contribute to a more compassionate society?


How do you think today's technology could be used to foster deeper human connections?


Have you ever felt a sense of fulfillment from helping others rather than focusing on personal gain; what was that like?


What small personal sacrifice have you made that led to a large benefit for others?


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