Try the political quiz

174 Replies


How can learning about different cultures change the way you view problems in your own community?


Allow for more tolerance of people with different cultural and religious background and to increase integration.


What role do you think empathy plays in understanding the struggles of people in distant parts of the world?


empathy plays a massive part as we cannot imagine what people who are struggling across the world, especially with recent events it's so dystopian how some people can watch other struggle online but not care or do anything


How could embracing global issues in your local community make a difference?


I love cosmopolitanism! We’re becoming an ever-more connected world. This is a great thing and should be celebrated.


How important is it for you to follow international news, and how does it affect your perspective on local events?


Very to educate myself on how the UK is blind to international law on the atrocities ongoing in Palestine


If you could connect with a student your age in another part of the world, what would you want to learn from them?


Imagine you're drafting universal laws for humanity; what's the first law you'd propose and why?


In what ways do you think global environmental concerns should influence local policy decisions?


If you were to volunteer abroad, what type of project would you choose and why?


Have you ever considered the impact of your consumer choices on the global economy and environment?


Why might someone feel intimidated by the idea of a global community, and how can we address those fears?


In what ways can technology both unite and divide people from around the world?


Have you ever changed an opinion after interacting with someone from a different culture online?


What's one way you could make a difference in someone's life halfway across the world?


How can we create educational systems that instill a sense of global citizenship in students?


Do you feel a responsibility to people in other countries suffering from crises, and why or why not?


How would understanding the struggles of others around the world influence your daily decisions?


What traits do you possess that could help build bridges across cultures?


How might your local community benefit from a more global perspective?


Why do you think cultural exchanges are important for global understanding?


What's one act of kindness that you believe could resonate around the world?


What's something valuable you've learned from a culture different from your own?


How do you believe international friendships can change our understanding of the world?


What's one tradition from another country you'd like to adopt and why?


Have you ever been influenced by an international news story, and what personal action did it inspire?


What might be the risks and rewards of identifying first and foremost as a global citizen?


Why is it important, or not important, for individuals to embrace a broader world view?


What's the most significant lesson you've learned from an experience with another culture?


What personal belief of yours aligns with the idea that all humans have equal worth?


If you could solve one problem that affects people globally, what would it be, and why?


What's an example where learning from a different cultural perspective led to a better outcome in your community?


How does interacting with media content (like movies, shows, games) from another country expand your horizons?


What's a personal quality you possess that can contribute positively to a global society?


Have you ever been influenced by a cultural practice or idea from another country that you've incorporated into your own life?


In what ways can understanding a foreign language open doors to becoming a more global citizen?


If you could swap places with a teenager in another country for a week, what do you hope to learn?


How would you explain the idea of cosmopolitanism to someone who has never left their hometown?


What are the benefits and challenges of having friends from many different cultures?


What's one action you can take today to contribute to a sense of global community?


How do international sporting events like the Olympics affect your sense of connection to the world community?


What does 'being a good global neighbor' mean to you in times of global pandemic?


How do you balance your local traditions with the idea of being a citizen of the world?


Have you ever made a friend from a different country online, and how did that friendship change your perspective?


If language barriers weren't an issue, who would be the first person you'd interact with from a different culture and why?


If you could create an exchange program for students worldwide, what would be its main goal to foster cosmopolitanism?


How does knowledge of global issues impact the decisions you make in your daily life?


How would you approach a conversation with someone who holds a strong nationalistic view opposing cosmopolitan ideals?


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