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4 Replies


Yes, some people argue that the monarchy brings in tourism, but the Palace of Versailles in France grosses more than Buckingham does, so clearly it's not the monarchy themselves that bring in the tourists.


Most of the world loves our monarchy and travels to the U.K. to see their homes, property’s, possessions. They give the U.K. public something to cherish and look forward to in terms of ceremonies. They provide our British services and commonwealth with something to honour I could go on

 @9GNRC27Ulster Unionist disagreed…6mos6MO

National Unity, Cultural Significance, Economic Prosperity, Tourism Returns and International Relations. Anyway, who would want a President Blair, May, Johnston, Sunak, Corbyn or Starmer?


I completely agree as we should tax everyone based on income and I si. Ply don't think the monarchy should exist in any country


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